Once a year Mercury is opposite Pluto and the week begins with this aspect. This is an aspect of deep thinking and a compulsion to research and find things out. This aspect offers the added benefit of curiosity. You ask more questions, are compelled to go deeper into issues and embrace the motivation to see […]
Micro-Forecast: July 11 to 17, 2022
Trines and sextiles are considered positive aspects and this week abounds with these. Take advantage of those moments of opportunity that you may not notice immediately. Sometimes positive opportunities are very subtle, and we miss them. Long term planning for relationships and pleasure are in the works, growth in both our private relations and our […]
Micro-Forecast: July 4 to 10, 2022
Today Mercury enters the sign of Cancer suggesting that more thought is going towards things like property, home improvements, family issues, moving, buying, or selling or reorganizing the way you live or re-thinking living arrangements. The good news is that Mercury is working well with Mars, which is quick, clear and sharp in how ideas […]
Micro-Forecast: June 27 to July 3, 2022
This week Neptune is stationing retrograde. Don’t panic, it does this every year and, frankly, when it does, it offers opportunities to put into place some of the positive visions or ideas you’ve been exploring over the course of the last few months. This retrograde period continues through December 3 and as Neptune retrogrades, it […]
Micro-Forecast: June 20 to 26, 2022
On Tuesday, June 21, is the Summer Solstice (the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere) and when the tropical Sun enters the sign of Cancer, which is about home and family and security needs. As the Sun enters Cancer, a water sign, which is always more emotional than intellectual, we also see […]
Micro-Forecast: June 13 to 19, 2022
Now that Mercury has gone direct and is entering its own sign of Gemini, today, on Monday June 13, is time to explore the wild and chaotic ride of this last month. Regardless of what sign you are or what your chart shows, the eclipses of May in Taurus and Scorpio have spoken in a […]
Micro-Forecast: June 6 to 12, 2022
I am taking the opportunity to do a brazen promotion (after all Mercury IS direct) for our project The Alexandria iBase Library Project LLC. It is a global effort to catalogue and identify astrological literature and uniquely designed by our wonderful librarians, four of which have been working day and night, to point you the […]
Micro-Forecast: May 30 to June 5, 2022
Please enjoy Georgia guest starring on the Weekly Astrological Weathr podcast! Monday’s New Moon (new starts) at 9 degrees of Gemini at the fixed star Aldebaran, which is the ‘eye of the bull Taurus.’ Continuing the theme of courage and courageous actions, a running theme throughout the summer and early fall as Jupiter continues in […]
Micro-Forecast: May 23 to 29, 2022
The week starts with a shiny golden halo of luck for many of us. Though Mercury is retrograde, it goes direct tomorrow, May 24. While this is in play, Mars is about to enter its own sign Aries, which gives extra oomph to actions and with Jupiter very close to Mars, good luck comes from […]
Micro-Forecast: May 16 to 22, 2022
As promised, this week’s discussion includes some of the things we might expect or see with Jupiter’s recent ingress into Aries on May 10. In addition, on May 10, last week, Mercury, the planet of communications, turned retrograde at 5 degrees Gemini and goes direct on June 3 at 26 degrees of Taurus right on […]