Tucson Astrologers Guild
September 14, 2024, 12pm to 4pm EST, Online
Decoding Your Chart:
Removing blocks to financial abundance
What is wealth? Is it bad? Is it good? Is it even attainable and will you ever have enough? The clues for finding the sweet spot in your life are found inside your natal chart. Of course, family values, culture’s values, peer values all help in attaining that comfortable place with money and value, but it starts with you. This lecture covers some of the blocks, the ways you can change those blocks and provides useful tools to get to where you are comfortable financially. It does require a bit of work, but then, anything valuable always does. Stathis’ teaching style is entertaining, practical and informative and provides some of the tools to get from here to there.
Registration: www.tucsonastrologersguild.org/2024-events
Members $13, Non-members $18 — Use the PayPal button to pay the fee.
gaelchilson@gmail.com will send you the link to the Zoom.
PLEASE add a note to the PayPal fee that tells them you are registering for this event.
WSAA Washington State Astrological Association
Thursday, November 14, 2024, 7:30pm to 9pm PST, Online
Where will you be during the 29th Degree?
The 29th degree of any sign has implications of finality, endings, and change. It is called the Anaretic Degree. With Neptune fast approaching the 29th degree of Pisces first in summer 2024 and then again in spring 2025 and on the fixed star Scheat – much fear and trepidation accompanies this rare cycle.
Georgia Stathis will present some of the historical perspectives on the degree and both the challenging as well as positive implications when looking both at one’s chart as well as world events. Georgia’s teaching style is both entertaining as well as educational and everyone should take away a kernel of possibility after this lecture.
Registration: tba
WSAA Washington State Astrological Association
Saturday, November 16, 2024, 10am to 4pm PST, Online
Title: Moments of Opportunity.
With the spate of synodic cycles that we had a few years ago, the recent Jupiter Uranus conjunction in April 2024 and the upcoming Saturn/Neptune conjunction in April 2025, there are opportunities for change and progress using the more positive side of these conjunctions. Georgia explores where they took or will take place in your chart, while acknowledging the challenges they also offer – both historically as well as in personal development. Georgia Stathis presents these ideas in a very visual as well as entertaining and educational format to look for ‘your’ moments of opportunity. This is a useful workshop that helps you look at what is possible.
Registration: tba
Aquarian Organization of Astrologers
February 10, 2025, 8pm EST, Online
The 29th Degree:
A Fundraiser for the Alexandria iBase Project
The 29th degree of any sign has implications of finality, endings, and change. It is called the Anaretic Degree. With Neptune fast approaching the 29th degree of Pisces first in summer 2024 and then again in spring 2025 and on the fixed star Scheat – much fear and trepidation accompanies this rare cycle.
Georgia Stathis will present some of the historical perspectives on the degree and both the challenging as well as positive implications when looking both at one’s chart as well as world events. Georgia’s teaching style is both entertaining as well as educational and everyone should take away a kernel of possibility after this lecture.
All proceeds will go to the Alexandria iBase Project.
Registration: https://astrologykansascity-aoa.com/event/the-29th-degree/, FREE to AOA members, $5+ donation for others
Convergence 2025 in Orlando, Florida
March 7-9, 2025
Georgia will be speaking on Sunday, March 9, at 11am.
What happens in the Void…and…when will we get there?
During the next three years, several planets, many of them slower planets, are moving into their 29th degree position. Many will stay there for long periods of time. The time between the 29th degree and the 00° degree is crucial and often grueling. Between Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, the comet Chiron and even the transiting Lunar Node, the sky will be riddled with critical degrees. So, what to do in the world, in the void and in your own life? Stathis, an entertaining as well as informative speaker, shares some of her insights regarding both.
Registration: https://cosmicpatternsconference.com/
Earlybird discount ends August 30!
Georgia’s Synodic Cycles book now available:
Pushing Through Time: Synodic Cycles and Their Developing Phases
30 Years of research!
20 Years of writing!
7 Years to distill the information!
“Pushing Through Time is full of interpretation gems that can only come from years of experience. It is both thoughtful and thought-provoking. I highly recommend it!”
Linea Van Horn, Certified Astrologer