Micro-Forecast: January 20 to 26, 2025

The next three weeks will be written thoughts on these challenging aspects. I was trying to put together a newsletter but then decided to use these three weeks of written forecasts to take the place of my newsletter instead. This way those of you new to this platform can get a sense of my style of communication. So, let’s get right into it.

The BIG news is that the transiting North Node has now entered the 29th degree of Pisces, a very rare and important degree of the zodiac. This is particularly important as this ingress heralds a year that will bring you the option of training your unconscious to move more towards the light rather than the dark. Why am I saying this? First the lunar nodes (the intersection of the Moon’s orbit with the Earth’s Orbit around the Sun) return to the same positions every 18.6 years and they accompany the eclipse cycles. You can never have eclipses too far away from the lunar nodes. This 18.6-year return cycle is seen in many industries, not just astrology. It patterns interest rate cycles, buying cycles and sometimes called the Benner Cycle. The Benner Cycle, explored in Dewey’s research on cycles, is a chart that shows market cycles, particularly those of financial panics, difficulties. By telling you this, I do not mean to trigger panic as I write this week’s thoughts but want to share some historical events that are in their own unique way creating some surprises in our daily lives. Why?

Well, the lunar nodes have to do with the cosmos and the people of the cosmos and their emotional state at any given time. The 29th degree of any sign is always a harbinger that things are ending and the challenge is we don’t necessarily see what the future will bring. Since transit Neptune (rules Pisces) is right there on the North Node right now and on and off throughout the year, it is imperative to catch yourself when descending into a dark state of mind thinking there is no future. The irony is that there is always a future, but that right now with the North Node, and Neptune, and soon Saturn all moving towards the 29th degree of Pisces, the last degree of the zodiac it feels that there is no future – war, fire, plagues, soaring prices, high interest rates, you name it – the truth is:

There is a future—You just don’t see it yet. That’s Neptune.
Your future is determined by your frame of mind. That’s Neptune.
Whether you think everything is bad or good – it is just that. That’s Neptune.
Hopeless? Hopeful? That’s also Neptune.

Neptune, like all planets, has its good as well as its challenging side, but unlike other planets it comes at you from a place you can’t see – like a water leak or termites in your house. The damage it can create is directly equal to the damage control you exercise regarding your unconscious mind. From the harsher perspective and being on the North Node now it tends to play with peoples’ heads undermining their confidence, particularly when bombarded by 24/7 media coming at us from all directions. Those very sensitive individuals are particularly challenged by this – particularly if you have worked on some of your self-confidence issues – because this conjunction can take some down rabbit holes from which they may struggle to return. The KEY is to catch yourself when you do it. To maintain a sense of what can be done to improve your situation while allowing the rest of the solutions to emerge when your unconscious is ready to reveal the solution.

In 2025, we are all challenged with the demons of our unconscious that we’ve neatly tucked away over the last 18.6 years that are begging to be confronted and brought into the light of the day. Easy? No. Necessary? Yes. Because the transit North Node with Neptune throughout the year changes many things.

Companies will fold and others will come out of the ashes (if the structure has been too loose for too long). Companies will downsize while many of those downsized will use their imagination to find an unusual need (there will be many of those in the coming year) and filling it while finding themselves in a completely new life order. Your imagination (Neptune) is a powerful thing as is the power of the images you feed your mind during what I would call somewhat dark times.

We want to rush through and find the solutions but we aren’t out of this tight tunnel of change for another year and a quarter with smatterings of ‘aha’ moments in mid-March (at the eclipses); mid-June; mid-September; and finally in mid to late December. Your greatest tool right now is listening to your intuition and/or your red flags. If something doesn’t feel right regarding a plan because it probably isn’t teased out enough – then wait – let the 12th sign of the zodiac, Pisces, do its best work and incubate a better and more joyful solution and for gosh sakes give it some time to emerge.

Remember Neptune has two sides – it can dismember, undermine, con, get distracted so nothing gets done OR it can create and bring into reality those things you imagine if you don’t judge those ideas too heavily but, instead, do the necessary research, development, and reconnaissance that the 12th sign of the zodiac, Pisces, also is very capable of doing. The last time we had these nodes and both the solar and lunar eclipses here were 2006, 2007, 1998, 1997, 1979, 1978, and 1960 to give you a little perspective. The difference between those times and now is that Neptune (one of the slowest and life changing planets) are running in tandem with this year’s nodes and eclipses. The good news is that Saturn, the planet of reality, is coming up fast to join these out of bounds fantasies and difficulties to put some tethers on all of us getting too far out there – Saturn is kind of like the dark horse in the race that no one sees coming – kind of like Seabiscuit (one of my favorite stories and horses in history). More on this next week.