Micro-Forecast: July 22 to 28, 2024

Last weekend’s Full Moon at 29° Capricorn slammed with Pluto is about to reveal things , pushing them up to the surface where they are properly discovered. This happens over time – and it began last weekend. There is a possibility that contracts and agreements ‘may’ have some last-minute hitches requiring a more stringent way of closing or writing contracts – we do learn as we go along. The shifts taking place may shift the energy so that relational agreements that haven’t been working, are finally addressed. The next three weeks assist in making the determination of whether to proceed or not. If the decision to proceed goes forward, then it is suggested that a neutral party be engaged to assist the process while remaining neutral.

In the news we may see a lot of women and their current rights and positions highlighted – with voices speaking up more than in the past. The Mars/Uranus conjunction of last week (from which we are still reeling) was in the sign of Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, which rules feminine energy, particularly younger women. Venus also rules the voice. The Mars/Uranus conjunction conjoined the once every 14-year cycle of Jupiter/Uranus that occurred in late April of this year, bringing more women forward to speak their experiences, their dreams, and their disappointments. The combination is not always negative – it can also show courage under fire.

I also think that this movement will be seen more in films which are our modern mythologies. Increased productions showing women in history or more personal arcs in women’s lives may reveal current information not yet discovered, particularly around health, health management systems, transport systems, and network systems. I do think that the female voice is going to be strong in the coming months . I also think that with Chiron squaring the Full Moon this week pushes all of us to speak up without anger, but with sincerity and, again, listening to the counterpoints. Revealing situations that are now untenable requires one to accept their vulnerability, that they not have the strength to move forward. Remember that vulnerability, asking for help, is a step towards courageous actions. It is true that there is a 50% chance that no one responds, but then, again, there is a 50% chance they do.

Sometimes we have to say the thing no one else dares to say – and say it without malice of forethought and just say it because it is the truth. How others respond to your ideas depends upon how you react. It is a great idea to have a plan B and C if, in fact, you are not heard the first time. Remember if you create a boundary, be stalwart in that boundary, regardless of the outcome – because those actions assist you in remaining centered in your own truth and reality. This opens the doors for new and better things to come in.

Mars entered Gemini over the weekend, which makes phones, texts, computers, iPad, social platforms, very busy. If you have been having trouble with any communication equipment and your intuition is telling you, hmmm, maybe I need to check this out or fix it, then do that. Because transit Mercury this week is just crossing over the degree at which it will go direct at the end of August. Mercury (which rules Gemini) will be going retrograde on August 5, but it is sending messages to take care of or clean up the virtual world in which you work or live.

Friday’s Chiron retrograde at 23° Aries 32’ already started its challenges in the last few days as it was not working in tandem with this last weekend’s Full Moon. If you are exercising to get some of the tensions out of your body – please remember to warm up, watch your ankles, protect your heads, and be vigilant regarding all your extremities.

Planetary Rulerships: The Secret Sauce for Successful Chart Reading by Georgia Stathis for AstroHub