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This is the week that I present the Weekly Weather at I hope you can attend, but if you cannot, here are some highlights. First, the week begins with a conjunction of Mercury and Venus at 7° Sagittarius. When these two planets conjoin, they happen someplace in your chart. In general, Sagittarius has to do with the 9th house of our philosophy and belief systems. The 9th house also has to do with a vision we might have to publish something, travel, or take classes at a higher level like college courses. Sagittarius has to do with directness, sometimes too direct, without any emotional filters – something to be wary of during this week’s New Moon also in Sagittarius which begins on Wednesday, November 23.
The unique quality of this week’s configuration is that both Mercury and Venus are out of bounds, remember out of bounds, where planets don’t always follow the rules? When planets travel out of bounds, they often find answers in another dimension and eventually bring those answers back to this dimension offering new perspectives on solving old problems in a new way. It just takes a little bit of finding out or uncovering something. That is also very possible this week as these planets parallel Pluto (who finds out everything). So, it is probably a good idea to be truthful with coworkers, fellow team members, and community organizations during this time. If you don’t have an answer or couldn’t find time to find out your assigned task, then be honest. There are delays now and those delays may be working in your favor.
And one more thing – Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers. It is a perfect week for this festive occasion as Jupiter, the planet of good faith and opportunity, goes direct on Wednesday November 23 at late degrees of Pisces, where it will remain until it enters Aries on December 20. This means that Jupiter is traveling between 28° and 29° Pisces during these weeks, and on the fixed star, Scheat. Lots of my fellow astrologers don’t like Scheat – it sounds like a word that is unseemly…but…I do remember my colleague, Diana Rosenberg, who has long passed away from this realm. I remember her explaining this fixed star to me in a fresh new way.
Diana was a fixed star specialist. Her definition of Scheat was that since it falls in the constellation of Pegasus, the last of the winged horses flying the heroes to heaven, it has a more positive meaning. In the sky, Pegasus flies over Andromeda, the chained woman. Diana’s take on this was that Scheat represents ‘freedom from bondage’ which makes total sense, since it is the last degree of the zodiac. And with Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, traveling this way this week (only happens once every 12 years), perhaps these next few weeks will offer some sort of ‘freedom from bondage’ for many of us – and offer remarkable events. This is very positive to take with you. With that said, Happy Thanksgiving to you all.