Between this week and October 30, there is a lot of movement in both personal as well as professional lives. A lot is happening as Saturn is turning direct this coming Saturday at 18˚ Aquarius 35’. I find that Saturn’s direct motion each year is very favorable. If, in fact, we did the best we could in terms of planning or examining how to streamline something in our lives when Saturn began its retrograde on June 4, this is the movement forward. Now that Saturn is going direct, the next few months are very important.
Since Saturn will continue all the way through and finish in Aquarius and enter Pisces on March 7, 2023, wherever Aquarius is in your chart is where you are finishing or finessing something. This is important because Saturn won’t return to Aquarius for another 29.5 years! Yes, almost 30 years. If you need to ‘up’ the ante regarding your technology or knowledge of technology, this could be an ideal time in which to do that.
Engage collaborators that know more than you, especially now that Saturn is almost finished in Aquarius. Don’t waste time learning how to do it yourself. If there are professionals with whom you’ve worked, that are not thinking in a more forward direction with more advanced knowledge, it may be time to look for newer allies most familiar with the technical challenges you face.
It is often difficult to change our habits and locked in structures, but these last few weeks with Saturn and Uranus locked in a hard square to one another are showing how, with just a few small baby steps of attitude change, an entirely new world opens. Being too rigid in how things are done and ‘always’ done, doesn’t work in this fast-changing world of economies, studies, and professions. Challenges with authority figures may or may not happen mid-week, but if they do, think before speaking. Even if doors are closing you don’t want to slam them on the way out.