Monday’s positive aspect between the Sun and Saturn assists in focusing on a goal and getting that ‘something’ done. It is suggested you focus on the first two days of the week, because Wednesday’s Sun and Neptune are creating a bit of confusion, exhaustion, while begging for a little creative down time. Incubation is possible on Wednesday while you contemplate the next phase of that ‘something’ you started putting together on Monday.
I love Saturday’s positive aspect between Mercury (learning, studying) and Uranus (waking up), creating a space where you gain fabulous insights and ideas and even produce some solutions to problems plaguing you for a while now. This combo is great for a spontaneous visit or short trip to see someone you haven’t seen in a while, or just to think. It calls for an impromptu get together (it is the holidays after all) . The week ends with the start of Chanukah on Sunday the 18th at Sundown, starting off the many festivals of light throughout the following week like Winter Solstice on the 21st and Christmas on the 25th.
If you want a little astro-insight, I am one of three astrologers presenting our thoughts for 2023 in an online workshop for San Francisco Astrological Society from 10 am to 1 pm Pacific time on December 17. If you register and cannot attend, a copy of the program will still be sent to you. To register go to Hope to see you there. If not, do something remarkable with this special weekend.