I thought I’d start this week out with a little something different. I rarely talk about the four major asteroids, although I do use them extensively, particularly when I look at vocational inclination in a chart. The largest of the asteroids is Ceres, who was also known as Demetra, in the earlier Greek. Her story is extensive, having to do with the theme of darkness and light, joy, and sorrow. Her main ‘job’ or vocation is to provide food for the earth. When she is sad (fall and winter) she mourns the loss of her daughter to the Underworld and the earth starves because the fields don’t grow, but when her daughter Persephone returns (spring and summer) the fields are ablaze with color, wheat, and corn, you name it. I find this interesting as cereal, made from wheat or corn, is named after this goddess.
Yesterday, Ceres entered the sign of tropical Libra, and for the last few weeks she’s been opposite Neptune in Pisces, where she will be on and off throughout 2023. Food insecurity is an issue in the world. Over the course of the last few months, grocery (food, Ceres) prices have been inflated to places where some people are choosing between gas, heat, or food. This is no news. We read about it every day. With this opposition going on for so long a time, this is sure to be something in our radar for quite some time. If individuals can assist or contribute to those having less access, this is the year in which to do this. For those who can afford food, now at the end of the year, consider donating to your local food banks – they need our help. Consider, if you have fruit trees or winter or summer gardens (depending on where you live) giving some of those crops to friends, neighbors, relatives, or anyone that will take them. This will make Ceres very happy – seeing that you respect her output. And…it is a good thing to do as we enter the end of the year holiday season. Happy Holidays to all of you in these next few weeks.