A few weeks ago, Pluto went direct and is heading between now and March to Aquarius for a little bit, and then will go back and forth for a couple of years as it tries to leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius permanently. With that said, this week’s lovely aspect between Mercury (representing discussions, agreements, commerce, and contracts) nicely aspects Pluto laying down friendly tracks towards a successful resolution involving a contractual agreement that requires reframing. Your intuition may be very good, too, as the traveling Sun in Scorpio (a water sign) creates a lovely conversation with Neptune in the water sign, Pisces and helps one capture a vision, dream, or intuitive thought.
As the week unfolds, traveling Venus, the goddess of relationships, partnerships, and specialist in social situations is working very well with Jupiter (opportunity) as well. Jupiter has been looking as though it has been going backwards (retrograde ) since July 28th, where it had entered Aries, briefly, and went retrograde at 8° Aries. But now, Jupiter is about to go direct in very late degrees of Pisces on Wednesday, November 23. This means that this very nice aspect between Venus and Jupiter is a preview at the movies of a potential relationship or partnership that has mutual values and ideals, but which is still in the forming stages. Around early March 2023, Venus and Jupiter have a complete conjunction in Aries, a possible culmination of plans you are making at this writing.
And finally, along with all the above, Wednesday’s Mercury (communications) is in a beautiful trine to Jupiter, suggesting tasks like sending in your article, finishing up a lesson plan, researching a potential journey or adventure in 2023, as well as being open to possibilities showing themselves to you during this time. After the shadow of the eclipse last week, we begin to see ‘light’ and what changes we must make in these areas to free ourselves from any sort of bondage that we’ve experienced either because of responsibilities or those self-imposed restrictions that can change with a change of attitude. More on that next week.