The week begins with transiting Jupiter (good fortune and protection) in a lovely aspect to Neptune, which has much to do with spiritual insight and imagination. I love imagination, it is the ‘thing’ that takes us out of ourselves when our real lives begin to feel limited like now. Sometimes we must move outside ourselves […]
Micro-Forecast: July 20 to 26, 2020
The week begins with the Sun opposite Saturn (a focus transit). Its effects last for one or two days. We can get things done on Sun/Saturn aspects because we focus and don’t allow distractions to get us sidetracked. Since the Sun is still in watery Cancer, the emotionality of these last few weeks along with […]
Micro-Forecast: July 13 to 19, 2020
The big news this week is that Mercury is finally direct. Because Mercury is direct and is the planet of communication, ideas have been tossed about in these last weeks. This may be a week where those ideas bear fruit. Decisions are being made over the course of the next six weeks as planets are […]
Micro-Forecast: July 6 to 12, 2020
On July 11 Chiron goes retrograde at 9º Aries 26′. And on July 12, Mercury goes direct at 5º Cancer 29′ This is a week when one might make decisions about ongoing health issues that need to be addressed and have been ignored. Chiron is associated with learning, teaching, coaching but it is also considered […]
Micro-Forecast: June 29 to July 5, 2020
One can choose to be conscious or not. It is a matter of personal choice. The opportunity for this presents itself again on June 29 as Jupiter (a broader world view) aligns again with Pluto for the second time this year. It first occurred on April 4 and happens again at the end of the […]
Micro-Forecast: June 22 to 28, 2020
The continuing retrograde of Venus (which goes direct on June 25 at 5º Gemini 20′) and the 2020 eclipses of June 5, June 21 and July 4 are throwbacks to June 1974, June 1993 and the summer of 2001. We know what happened in the Autumn of 2001 (9/11), but let’s explore other moments in […]
Micro-Forecast: June 15 to 21, 2020
Let’s take a short journey back to the Winter Solstice in late December 2019 when the Sun entered 00◦ Capricorn. A few days after that was an eclipse at 5◦ Capricorn. It was caught in a bear hug with several very slow-moving planets also in Capricorn, that piled up by late January throwing the cosmic […]
Micro-Forecast: June 8 to 14, 2020
This is the week between two eclipses. The next one is on June 21 at the Summer Solstice at 00◦ Cancer. But…this ‘in between’ week has two all-day Void of Course Moons. The first is on Monday June 8 where the Moon goes void of course at 11:06 am and won’t move into the next […]
Micro-Forecast: June 1 to 7, 2020
Welcome to eclipse week. The first of three summer eclipses occur on Friday June 5 at 3:12:14 PM Eastern Time and 8:12:14 pm Greenwich time. This one is a full moon lunar eclipse. Full Moons are notorious for making us antsy and this one in two mutable signs isn’t any different. It is at 15◦ […]
Micro-Forecast: May 25 to 31, 2020
Are you having a challenging time remembering things, items, systems? You are not losing your mind. The Sun is in Gemini and ruled by Mercury, which is also in Gemini. The last few days and throughout this week Mercury (thinking and processing) has been in an adverse aspect to Neptune offering two things. One is […]