I love the first week after a New Moon, because things feel clearer and fresher. This week is no different as Mars has also just gone direct and Mercury will be back at its regular speed after November 20. With that said, there should be some ‘crackling’ discussions around Tuesday November 17 when Mercury, the planet of communications in Scorpio moves into an opposition to revolutionary and chaotic Uranus in Taurus. This is not always an easy day for electronics, news, communications where things need to get settled, because everyone has their own opinion, and this combo isn’t known for its ability to compromise. The good news is that Mercury moves quickly and will get past this opposition by week’s end and all that was said (and perhaps regretted) will begin to resolve itself then.
More stable actions start in on Wednesday November 18 as the Sun in Scorpio creates a 60◦ distance with transit Saturn. This is a stabilizing influence and might suggest, someone with more authority or experience steps in to help resolve issues from the last few days. This is a good time to plan things, like year end taxes, gifts, donations, or reorganizing portions of your business as the tax structures are sure to change next year due to the costs of 2020’s pandemic. On Thursday November 19, Venus, the goddess of pleasure isn’t having such a pleasurable time with Saturn, because she needs to get her project, her work or something done that is duty oriented before she can play. You might find you get more done in the afternoon than on the morning of the 19th, since the Moon is void of course (Pacific Time) in the morning and shifts into gear at 12:25 pm (Pacific Time) when she moves into the independent sign of Aquarius for a couple of days.
The Sun has been traveling through tropical Scorpio for the last thirty days and Friday is her last day in Scorpio. Saturday at 12:40 pm (Pacific time) the Sun ingresses into Sagittarius for the next thirty days. This often brings a more festive mood or mode into our lives as Sagittarius is a fire sign, likes to explore and by exploring can come up with some wonderful visionary solutions that sometimes get stuck when the Sun is moving through Scorpio. The irony of this statement is that Sagittarius takes credit for the ideas, when, in fact, for the entire month that the Sun has been traveling through Scorpio, this is when the real incubation of the new ideas have been happening. Still, I will take it. I like to move on when it is time to move on.
After the Sun enters Sagittarius on Saturday, it is later in the day that we begin the First Quarter Moon for this month. This offers a week to get organized and manage the ideas of the last few weeks while creating some sort of structure or format for a project to start coming together. As Venus, the goddess of relationship and values, enters Scorpio on this same day, the emotional intensity can release much needed passion to put ideas into gear. These passions can be directed into some great creative project or something that needs transforming or repurposing.
On Thursday December 10 and Friday December 11, Georgia is part of the new Astrologyhub.com inner circle monthly teaching program. We are offering a FREE invite for this event on the 10th and 11th and if you’d like to register for free, here is the link. Each of us will present a half hour of ideas regarding 2021. Follow this link to register