Today is a Full Moon in Gemini and Sagittarius, but it isn’t a normal full moon, it is a Lunar Eclipse as well. It falls between 8◦ and 9◦ of Gemini (as the Full Moon is always opposite where the Sun is traveling – and the Sun is traveling through early Sagittarius now. Lunar Eclipses are emotional roto rooters. At least that has been my experience, because they are, after all, when the earth is caught between the Moon and the Sun.
Since this lunar eclipse is in a mutable sign it is also affecting people who have a lot of planets in the first few degrees of Pisces and Virgo as well as Geminis and Sagittarians. From a ‘solar house’ perspective, this means that major parts of your lives for this group – like: your family and home, your boss and your career, your personal identity and health practices and your relationship with those you’ve normally felt closest too are all filled with a tad bit more anxiety as mutable energies tend to be more anxious.
The last times the lunar eclipse was close to this degree were November 29, 1974 as well as November 29. 1993. I always like to add these in for you to get an historical perspective on what in your life changed after those dates and in the following months, because eclipses don’t often activate until about 3 to 6 months after they occur. Eclipses first show us the shadow of something we are trying to figure out, and, then when they are finished, we often get a new perspective on how to handle a certain matter.
Since Mercury, the planet of communication is in a lovely aspect to Saturn, representing stability, this lunar eclipse brings forth a shadow that can be resolved using this positive aspect. If there has been a dispute or disagreement with no resolution, it is quite possible that something has not been revealed or recognized and that is where the light of this lunar eclipse provides a clearer negotiating tool in either a personal or professional matter. There could be agitation and an unsettling moment as this comes to light. If this happens, it might be a good idea to step out for a walk, or ask for a day to think things over, before deciding on this day.
There could be further friction in personal relationships as well since Venus is opposite Uranus on this very same day and in this same moment. Step away from do or die ultimatums. These only breed trouble and are unconstructive and an even be permanently destructive. Try to see the positive more than the negative as you relate to another… Hmmm…a funny thing just happened while looking through my notes for this week, I just found this scribble in the margins. I don’t know where I got this from, since it looks like it has been here for a while, but I will share it with you.
“The one who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons to give up, he or she will find the one reason to hold on!” I think this says it all.
On Thursday December 10 and Friday December 11, Georgia is part of the new inner circle monthly teaching program. We are offering a FREE invite for this event on the 10th and 11th and if you’d like to register for free, here is the link. Each of us will present a half hour of ideas regarding 2021. Follow this link to register
And for those of you who still haven’t ordered the 2021 Starcycles cheat sheet, you can go to our website and find it there along with the listed upcoming events for 2021.