I know you are all wanting me to comment on last week’s election. I can’t because I write these several weeks in advance. I will say one thing. Get ready for some sparks to fly this week. The long-awaited Mars goes direct on Friday November 13 at 15◦ Aries 13’. Mars won’t really get back on track until it reaches its shadow position on January 3, but one thing is for sure – this direct Mars challenges the Declaration of Independence chart of July 4, 1776.
For those of you who know astrology, we had an eclipse this year on July 4, 2020 which precisely hit the Declaration of Independence chart of 1776. We have these about every 18.6 years, but the difference between the others and this one is that other planets, the heavy hitters like Pluto (which takes no prisoners), Saturn (which is very karmic) and Jupiter (which is the internal guiding light in the middle of all of this) were all in Capricorn and opposite the USA Sun Sign at the same time. With Mars going direct and challenging these positions in the Declaration chart, the weeks going forward until January 4, 2021 portend additional global anxiety. The fact that last week’s Full Moon in Taurus and Scorpio lining up with Uranus, the planet of chaos, didn’t help either.
There is, however, a pony in here somewhere. More personally, Mars going forward helps each of us make changes we have been attempting or wanting to make for several months now. Things we’ve tried to build, to plan, to reorganize and to rid ourselves of can start making baby steps for the life changes we have been trying to make for what seems an eternity.
Thursday November 12, the day before Mars goes direct, Jupiter (good luck and protection) is in its last alignment with Pluto for another 12 to 13 years. It happened twice this year, once on April 5 and the second time on June 19. For those who are career directed, it can portend an opportunity to make a little money or find yourself in a job or position (either volunteer or paid position) that offers potential. Jupiter/Pluto has long been considered a ‘wealth’ configuration, so many decisions made now may have some sort of financial opportunity as part of that decision-making process. I suggest if you are reviewing figures on a project that you ‘ask’ for something during final contractual discussions. This helps close the deal, the contract and/or arrive at a compromise to make it a go.
Both November 12 and November 13 events culminate on the New Moon (new starts and beginnings) on Saturday November 14, when we have a New Moon at 23◦ Scorpio) it is in a beautiful configuration to Jupiter (good fortune) and Pluto (which can be transformative if one is willing to look at the ‘stuff’ that keeps them held back and which requires a bit of courage to change). There is a lot of sparkle during these three days of events. People either indulge themselves because they are happy or show gratitude by indulging those they love or appreciate or for whom they are grateful. Now that Mercury and Mars are, the rest of the year finishes quickly in its race to the finish. We are all getting back on track to goals set earlier in the summer.
On Thursday December 10 and Friday December 11, Georgia is part of the new Astrologyhub.com inner circle monthly teaching program. We are offering a FREE invite for this event on the 10th and 11th and if you’d like to register for free, here is the link. Each of us will present a half hour of ideas regarding 2021. Follow this link to register