To my dear readers forgive me for presenting such brief forecasts over the course of these last few weeks. I have been recovering from a major rotator cuff/bicep surgery and just now starting to work on computer. With that said, I will attempt to present you with more extensive thoughts. The confusion of the current […]
Micro-Forecast: September 28 to October 4, 2020
Saturn, which has been retrograde since May 11, starts going direct this week. I love these weeks! Saturn is direct at 25◦ Capricorn on Tuesday September 29. The next day, October 1, is a Full Moon at 9◦ Aries. With the Sun in Libra, which wants to ‘get along’ and with the Moon in Aries […]
Micro-Forecast: September 21 to 27, 2020
The Fall Equinox (equinox means equal day and equal night) falls on Tuesday September 22. The last few days before any seasonal change is often frantic as the quarter comes to an end and begins anew. The days get shorter now and the lessening of the light begins to affect people. The irony is that […]
Micro-Forecast: September 14 to 20, 2020
On Thursday September 14, is another New Moon (new beginning) offering new starts for the next 28 days. The New Moon is in Virgo at 25◦ and in a lovely balance (trine) to Saturn in Capricorn, helping to anchor Mars which is retrograde now. Normally, the support of Saturn isn’t there while Mars is retrograde, […]
Micro-Forecast: September 7 to 13, 2020
Today is Labor Day. Each year I try to honor those who are workers and this year is more important as all our service, front line, first response teams have given so much so that many of us can literally live through this pandemic. I cannot even imagine what their lives are like with families […]
Micro-Forecast: August 31 to September 6, 2020
Making the right choices is always a challenge. When Venus is opposite Pluto, we deal with this. Oppositions are as far apart in a circle that two planets can get, 180◦. After that, the distance reduces as does the stress of the opposition often feels like a Full Moon pulling us in two different directions. […]
Micro-Forecast: August 24 to 30, 2020
Mars is still direct and today, Monday, August 24, as Saturn joins the current cycles, it asks us to wait a minute. It asks us to stop, think, and ask questions. Sometimes we stuck with Saturn. If stuck, step away. There has been a compulsive obsessive need to get things done during these last weeks […]
Micro-Forecast: August 17 to 23, 2020
Tuesday August 18, we have a New Moon (new beginnings) at 27◦ Leo. That New Moon is still working beautifully with Mars in Aries, allowing a few more days before Mars goes retrograde on September 9. There is support between Venus, the planet of relationship working with Neptune. A little romance always helps ease the […]
Micro-Forecast: August 10 to 16, 2020
Usually Full Moon weeks are a little chaotic, but that was last week and is bleeding over into this week. We have several volatile distances between planets begging for something to happen, to change, and for new information. It is a week of extreme responses — again — more lessons on thinking before we act […]
Micro-Forecast: August 3 to 9, 2020
The Sun is in Leo now and in the last 24 hours was pushing on volatile Uranus, the planet of revolution or upheaval. Since that just happened today, Monday August 3, there is also a Full Moon close to this configuration, so things can get volatile. People get angry or reactive because they feel deep […]