Vulnerability. A good word. Not easy to express and certainly not easy to live with. We are in between two very strong eclipses, the one we had on April 30 and the one coming up this coming Sunday. The one coming up this Sunday is a Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) when the Earth gets between […]
Micro-Forecast: May 2 to 8, 2022
There is another eclipse on May 15 and these next 13 days are the ‘in-between’ eclipse days when it may feel as though things are yet unclear. This is common when we are between eclipses. There are various unique aspects this week offering kernels of insight as we move through this time. Jupiter and Pluto […]
Micro-Forecast: April 25 to May 1, 2022
This is a week of a series of activities leading up to the New Moon, which is also a Solar Eclipse at 10°Taurus on Saturday April 30 at 1:28 PM in San Francisco, CA and 4:28 PM in Washington, D.C. I find that eclipses and the days approaching an eclipse can be very unsettling—as thought […]
Micro-Forecast: April 18 to 24, 2022
This is a lovely week where Venus, the goddess of desire and love and attraction is in a positive aspect with Uranus. This could bring in sudden attractions or potential personal relationships with whom you may work professionally as well. As this is happening, the Full Moon’s light is beginning to diminish and still in […]
Micro-Forecast: April 11 to 17, 2022
This is the week that Jupiter and Neptune come together setting the tone for a brand-new twelve-year cycle in which they remain active. The last Jupiter Neptune alignment came in 2009 in late Aquarius after the ‘great economic meltdown’ of 2008. If we can get past all the difficulties of that time – the short […]
Micro-Forecast: April 4 to 10, 2022
Last week began with Venus aligning with Saturn. This week begins with Mars (the action planet) aligning with Saturn. This is an excellent combination for working out at the gym, for starting a new aerobic class, and for building something. Mars rules tools and Saturn likes to work. The ability to get things done is […]
Micro-Forecast: March 28 to April 3, 2022
The week begins with the conjunction between Saturn and Venus at 22° Aquarius. Saturn is about duty and work and getting things done. Venus wants to play and loves ideas. These two work well when building a structure or organizing a new idea you’ve been debating. Saturn is the more practical of the two and […]
Micro-Forecast: March 21 to 27, 2022
Now that spring has begun new surges of energy are a regular thing. We want to do so much and yet the days are not yet long enough to do all the things that inspire use. In our hurry to get things started and built, there are some psychological potholes one may wish to be […]
Micro-Forecast: March 14 to 20, 2022
We had another remarkable conjunction on Sunday March 13 where the Sun and Neptune came together in Pisces at about 23°. This is often a push to dream what you see. It is an imaginative conjunction and it also like the Jupiter/Sun conjunction in Pisces on March 5 only happens once a year. Both the […]
Micro-Forecast: March 7 to 13, 2022
Mercury, the planet of communication, is finishes its run in Aquarius, on Wednesday as Mercury enters Pisces at 5:32 pm Pacific time and 8:32 pm Eastern time. Mercury in Aquarius where it has been for weeks now is the sign that we consider exalted. However, with Mercury and Saturn running neck and neck in these […]