Yesterday’s opposition between the Sun and Saturn presents two different approaches this week. The first and more challenging of the two is having had an experience during this time of being criticized unfairly. These days, it is true, many criticisms people express are out of anger and frustration and just plain bullying, but…other criticisms can be helpful and function as catalysts for change. Consider the source. Always the first thing. This opposition can also bring an inordinate amount of focus to anything you are doing, which is very helpful if you need that extra push to get things done. Either way, what feels stuck at the beginning of the week has more movement as the week unfolds.
Since this the 90-day period after the May eclipse continues this week, Uranus, the planet of sudden change is now at a 90̊ angle to where it was in May. This brings big surprises, some good, some unexpected. This is further emphasized by the fact that Mars, action, motivation and sometimes upheaval, is also at a 90̊ angle to that May eclipse point. It triggers things.
Mars is known to cut or sever things away. It can be a sudden departure, a sudden quitting of a job, or, on a more positive note, the impetus to take matters into one’s own hand and get things done, engaging others to assist in whatever changes need to be made. This can be hiring or firing. It can be taking a significant risk (hopefully with pre-planning in mind) and or pushing forward on one’s life journey requiring a gutsy action. It is not a dull week. Intellectual curiosity drives you where you find yourself in the right place at the right time throughout the week as the aspects soften right before Mars enters Gemini on Saturday August 20.