Last week’s New Moon (new beginnings) in Leo wishes for more fun or enjoyment and how to express ourselves more creatively. Leo is the sign of the gambler and the speculator. The markets have been awry for months now – which is not a surprise. Interest rates have risen after a prolonged period of overly low rates. We are also still in the Last Quarter square (challenge) between Saturn and Uranus which affects markets as well. In June, the DJIA was at the same place that it was around January 2021…so what does that mean? More volatility but also lower prices can offer some investment opportunities if one is prepared. New Moon in Leo triggers speculative ventures. Dating, gambling, creating something. If well planned and researched, ideas find footholds. With Saturn still hanging around, do the research before making any moves, this honors the energies of Saturn and its issues around responsibility.
With the Sun in hard aspect to Uranus (the god of chaos as well as magical opportunities), one could find themselves in a very good position that has exciting potential – again – if you do the math and pencil out the ideas. Uranus conjoined the transiting North Node just yesterday. Magic is all around us if we let go of our more Saturnian fixed positions, fears, which are often just that – fears that freeze up possibility.
For some this might mean a sudden change you didn’t expect, or that you had a feeling was coming but which you never acted. Or, if you ‘heard’ yourself telling yourself you should be doing this or that and you acted upon that, it could put you in a very fortunate position because you let go at the right time. Uranus is an amazing energy – and – often has a bad reputation for catastrophe, but…it isn’t catastrophic if we ‘listen’ to the messages we are getting to take care of something and we end up acting on those insights. We have choices as human beings. Which one is the easier of the two? It seems like an easy decision to me.