Tuesday July 20 offers us moments of brilliant insight as Mercury and its higher octave, Uranus, are in a sextile (60◦ to each other). Ideas may come in a quickly as they go out, so have some sort of recording or writing device close by. A sextile combines one’s abilities with opportunities. I think this […]
Micro-Forecast: July 12 to 18, 2021
This is a delightful week, and it begins with a very positive aspect between Mercury (communication ) and Jupiter (good fortune). Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time, because this may be the ideal time to reconnect. If you are writing, or teaching, or speaking, or, doing something that requires […]
Micro-Forecast: July 5 to 11, 2021
Mercury has been traveling over the eclipse degree of 19◦ Gemini (it was on June 10) over the course of these last few days. We return to some of the thoughts that plagued us during that time that we could not answer, and this transit may help open a clearer path to a problem or […]
Micro-Forecast: June 28 to July 4, 2021
We are moving into a Last Quarter Moon for this month. After all the events of June, it is a quiet week offering a bit of respite and getting away for a few days or just settling down before the activities of July begin. Monday’s Pisces Moon aligned with Jupiter needs breaks – small escapes […]
Micro-Forecast: June 21 to 27, 2021
Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, was Sunday June 20. This is the growing season of the year and with Monday’s Venus trine Pluto, there is a sweetness in the air, a lovely energy, and a need to be with those we love. This is particularly important in the […]
Micro-Forecast: June 14 to 20, 2021
Today Saturn squares Uranus, the second one this year. Historically, markets sometimes rock and roll during this aspect and since we are a few days after another eclipse, we may be seeing this phenomenon. Since Jupiter is also retrograde this week, after just being in Pisces for less than four weeks, this means that some […]
Micro-Forecast: June 7 to 11, 2021
June 10 brings us the annular Solar Eclipse at 19◦ Gemini. This last occurred in June 2002 just after the May 2002 Lunar eclipse that we had on May 26. Some of you may remember that time in your lives some 19 years ago and others may not. Eclipses are like a strand of memory […]
Micro-Forecast: May 31 to June 6, 2021
Today is Memorial Day in the USA. This is the day we remember our families, our heroes, and those who have long passed. I find myself being very sentimental on this day and make an annual trip to the place at which some of my loved one’s rest to remember them. In many ways, Memorial […]
Micro-Forecast: May 24 to 30, 2021
On Wednesday we have the Lunar Eclipse at 5◦ degree Sagittarius opposite the Sun at 5◦ of Gemini. This falls right in the Sibley chart for the Declaration of Independence, a chart that has been super active since July 2020, through October 2020 and exploding in the first week of January 2021. The Declaration of […]
Micro-Forecast: May 17 to 23, 2021
This can be a week of thrilling finds. If you are in organization mode for files, closets, offices, cabins, suitcases, clothing — something is found you thought lost. On the 19th Venus, the planet of relationships and values, works in tandem with Saturn –requiring time (Saturn) for rethinking approaches to former plans. What do you […]