Welcome to a week that starts with an insightful set of aspects as Mercury and Uranus are trine on Monday. This offers great support now that we are in the Venus retrograde window that started on Sunday (and covered in last week’s forecast). In addition, Tuesday’s ingress of the Sun into Capricorn (Winter Solstice) begins the quarter of the year where we can stop and incubate some of the things our spirit is calling us to do in 2022. Retrogrades are perfect for incubating and thinking about what it is we want on a very deep level and what our spirit really needs. This can’t be any further from the truth as these next few months are the last few months before the 12-year return of Jupiter/Neptune conjuncting at 23° Pisces in early April. We are finishing up this same cycle that began in 2009 where these two planets were in late Aquarius. The upcoming Jupiter/Neptune cycle offers more options for new creative pursuits, more time to imagine (Neptune has lots to do with imagination) what we would like to have more of in our lives. With this Venus and Pluto retrograde, we have time to think about this. How do we manage more creative freedom and what is it that needs release to accomplish this? One way to do this is to think about ‘new’ ways and trying those ideas on for size and feeling how they feel.
This has added help from Chiron which went direct on Sunday at 8° Aries. Aries rules the head, the eyes, the ears, the brain, and a more pioneering energy that wants to try new things. This sometimes requires risk. It also requires the release of ‘time sucks’ as we used to say. Risks are wonderful and more calculated risks are suggested with assistance from Venus and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Chiron is the comet bridge between the orbits of (traditional) Saturn and more avant garde Uranus. Chiron returns to the same position every 52 years and is mentioned on my very recent recording on Business Astrology 101: Macro to Micro Cycles (now available at https://starcycles.com/downloads/business-astrology-101-macro-to-micro/). It’s return brings similar events. In the last cycle of 1968 the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons, 60-Minutes began broadcasting, Yale admitted females ; we saw the first crewed spacecraft and the first “Earthrise photos” and the world’s first mouse and word processor were revealed. Now robots sort out inventories in large warehouses while we go to Mars to see if we can live there and broadcasts are found on our computers, our televisions, and our watches.
Since Aries has to do with the brain, new developments in brain implants for controlling such diseases as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are on the horizon and with the Jupiter Neptune in Pisces (music) more research regarding brain health and music! There is a chip shortage right now – which means many of the manufactured (Mars/Aries) auto vehicles are either cutting back some of their chips so they can get back to producing cars – AND new materials for creating new material chips are in the explorative stages. Could we develop silicon chips, which is often a derivative of oil, which is ruled by Neptune. Jupiter and Neptune both rule Pisces and again, they will conjoin in April, and we may see similar things in the marketplace. All kinds of innovative ideas – come out of our ‘heads’ during this time. Violence is associated with the less evolved side of Mars/Aries which are anger, impulse and over reaction. We can learn from the violence of the past and change those perceptions as well. I could go on and on but if you want a broader view of the 2022 forecast, watch the website in the next few weeks for the 2022 forecast I just presented for SFAS on December 4 (it is also a fundraiser for the free astrological database that locates books by libraries – both public and individual – by subject, author, and title). When you go to the website you will see a donation button asking for your support so we can continue this amazing work and provide our librarians and project coordinators the salaries that keep them doing all this cataloguing). https://www.alexandriaibase.org/donate
Finally, Christmas Eve is the last of the three exact squares between Saturn and Uranus that began in February of this year. If you want to get a very intense picture of all the implications of this and more, you might want to order the Down the Rabbit Hole (6-hour workshop) I presented for NCGR in Miami back in early 2021. Saturn/Uranus are two planets at cross purposes with each other because one wants to hold on (Saturn) while the other one wants big changes (Uranus). There is a lot of bad press about Uranus in that it creates chaos, windstorms, chaotic climate problems, explosive interactions between people, but….Uranus only acts out when the fear of losing security and feeling unsafe keep the bigger changes from happening. This is when chaos sets into force change. The irony of this whole thing is that if we let go of that which really is no longer necessary, whose structures are old and outworn, then this is when Uranus acts in a positive magical way by putting you in the right time at the right place. As humans we always have choice. What are your new choices or ideas as we enter the new year? For more insight into Uranus and its magical potential, please go to our website where a brand-new video presentation covers exactly this topic. https://starcycles.com/downloads/dance-of-the-planets-with-emphasis-on-uranus/
And last of all, to my loyal readers, I want to wish a happy holiday season for all of you. You are all very special people and need to know that in each of you is something special and this is what these upcoming cycles are asking you to look at. Life is good, if we learn to filter in more good thoughts and pay attention to how much of the bad news we absorb daily. Learning to set boundaries and try to see a positive that comes out of the worst situations is a great habit to develop . It isn’t hard and just takes time to learn to set boundaries without isolating ourselves in the process. The cycles we are entering are about shared values and the constructive qualities of positive shared values as well as the destructive qualities of negative thinking and isolation that only comes from fear, a negative byproduct of Saturn.