I’m excited about how the week begins as the New Moon in Capricorn (always the start of the monthly planting of a ‘seed’ cycle) is in a lovely aspect to Uranus in Taurus which wakes us up and gets us going. With Venus and Neptune in a lovely 60° distance from each other on Wednesday and ‘6’ being a relationship number, this is a time where others of the past may reach out to you, or you may reach out to them. My suggestion is if you reach out – don’t reach out to ‘get’ something but just to see how people are doing – and ‘listen’ to their stories. I think we’ve lost a lot with this last 12 years of only texting and emailing. People don’t talk on the phone with each other and there is something about the voice, especially a soothing voice on the other end of the line – that can help smooth over feathers that can often be ruffled in the world of electronic texts and emojis (by the way – these all came about since the last Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius back in 2009). With the new cycle growing closer, the voice, music, or soft sounds will replace the strident noise of technology and this week may be one of those weeks in which to begin that process. I think this is why podcasts have taken off – these are real human voices saying real human things.
Saturday’s Sun/Venus conjunction at 19° Capricorn (even though Venus is retrograde) are a trigger point for new expression in the part of your chart in which you find it. For Capricorns it could be feeling a bit better than you’ve felt about yourself in these last months – and beginning to think to take care of your physical self and get ready to take care of that part you’ve ignored for a while now. For the other cardinal signs- Aries, Cancer and Libra, this is happening on one of the angles of your chart – and so you review taking care of your physical self , what needs to be done in your home, and what fences need to be mended or improved in very personal relationships as well as professional challenges with authority figures.
For the fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarians, this last year has pushed you towards less rigidity into a more flexible mode of thinking and acting (good, really!) and this conjunction takes place in the cadent areas of your chart – the bridge sections of the chart – where you take time to sort through things like your communication styles, your daily habits and how you express yourself with your fellow employees, whether or not you want to continue that higher education or even explore something new in that vein and finally where you may seek some private time to quietly re-evaluate what your next psychological adventure is for improving your internal angst which has been pushed to the limits during the course of last year. These areas of the chart are where we weigh whether we should do this or that and then weigh it again and then decide.
And, finally, for the more malleable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, it takes place in the succedent or more fixed parts of the chart – you ask yourself how can you put a format together that comes out of your hopes and dreams and imagination for the future? Who can you ask to give you more help in forming this new idea and giving it legs. You may review your daily spending habits making it more possible to do more in your life. You may examine the financial sectors and planning for that. Again – you may need an outside helper or specialist who can frame it in a way that works for your personality. And after all that, assessing whether you are willing to take a calculated risk in making something new and fresh happen in the coming year(s).
The key thing here is the release of fear – and first identifying where that fear is coming from and how you can reframe that to be less toxic.