This is the week of the Last Quarter Moon where the cycle of the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse on December 4 is winding down before the Full Moon at 27° Gemini on Saturday December 18. This is the day before Venus is retrograde with Pluto at 26° Capricorn (some last-minute changes for the holidays may present themselves at this time – keep your cool – it is only a phase) and on he same day Chiron goes direct at 8° Aries. Chiron in Aries (the head, the eyes, the brain) represents a lot of the new things we are reading about regarding AI (Artificial Intelligence). Chiron is the bridge between traditional thinking Saturn and more outlier energy like Uranus. I always mention this and did talk about this in my most recent presentation on Business Astrology 101: Macro to Micro Cycles which should be now, be available at our website. It returns every 52 years to the same position and so just like a pendulum clock it often brings similar events to the foreground that were going on so many years ago. Some of the things that happened on that last cycle starting around 1968 were the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons, 60-Minutes began broadcasting, Yale admitted females; we saw the first crewed spacecraft and the first “Earthrise photos” and the world’s first mouse and word processor were revealed.
Aries is the brain and the head and, in the news, recently they were talking about brain implants for controlling such diseases as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s! There is a chip shortage right now – which means many of the manufactured (Mars/Aries) vehicles are either cutting back some of their chips so they can get back to producing cars – or maybe someone will come up with another material that can create chips like silicon, which could be a derivative of oil, which is ruled by Neptune and whereby Jupiter and Neptune will be together in April in Pisces. All kinds of innovative ideas – come out of our ‘heads’ during this time. Violence is associated with the less evolved side of Mars/Aries is anger, impulse and over reaction which is often inappropriate. We can learn from the violence of the past and change those perceptions as well.