This is the week of the first lunar eclipse in the sign of Taurus. The interesting thing about this eclipse is that it falls on the fixed star we call Algol. Algol doesn’t have good press. She is in the constellation of Perseus who is rushing to free the chained woman, Cassiopeia. Algol represents the eye in the head of Medusa, whose gaze turned people into stone. It is the head of Medusa that Perseus is carrying with him (a protective measure – like that Evil Eye pendant that has become a prominent motif). Perseus carries the head with that eye, Algol, with him to turn to stone the sea monster Cetus, who is about to devour poor Cassiopeia whole! Algol can be quite confrontational, but… and this is the other side of this fixed star, it can also nip a major confrontation in the bud – and stop it before it begins by just becoming silent and saying nothing. In business we used to call this the ‘silent close’ where you put the pen down and stopped talking!
This is a better way in which to deal with this Full Moon which is a Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses are sometimes quite tough, because the light of the Sun and Moon is in shadow, and we can’t see everything that is going on. It is always a promising idea to wait before making decision, returning phone calls or texts in anger because the access to the emotional center is curtailed by the lack of light in the eclipse. You might see things more clearly days after the eclipse when there is full light again.
November 16, Tuesday, has a lovely aspect between fortunate Jupiter and the Sun…This is great for asking for ‘the order’ and giving logical reasons why you think this is a great idea. Try to do this by Tuesday because Wednesday is more volatile and like Friday’s November 19th energies on that Lunar Eclipse (which affects all the late degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio). Things lighten up after Sunday when the Sun leaves intense Scorpio and begins its sojourn in Sagittarius for another four weeks. There is a wonderful aspect on Thursday November 18 between Venus and Uranus (magical love or relationships or social opportunities might arise). This falls between the volatility of Wednesday and the potentially extreme exhaustion of that Full Moon Eclipse on Friday.
Thursday has Mercury (communication) and Neptune (imagination) in a lovely configuration. This is great for creative writing or planning and by sharing your ideas, you may engage others who are interested in collaborating with you on this unique project. New relationships both professional and personal begin to appear around the time that Venus is about to go retrograde or crossing the threshold of its retrograde degree which is on November 18. The suggestion is to take it slow and see how things unfold as Venus is in total retrograde on December 19. If someone pressures you about either a professional or personal relationship, my suggestion, is you ask to revisit the issue again in late January 2022 and for now, let’s just see how it goes. This is a reasonable request and buys everyone time to really think about the proposal.