Happy Birthday to all my fellow Pisces friends as the Sun entered Pisces on Saturday the 18th. Venus’ lovely aspect to Pluto on Sunday carries a very intense and sensual energy throughout the week offering healing and grounding through more physical pursuits which incorporate beauty and balance. Lots of ideas percolate throughout the week as […]
Micro-Forecast: February 13 to 19, 2023
This week we enter the Last Quarter phase of the Moon, the cleaning out cycle for the month and what a month it has been and then on to the New Moon at 29 Aquarius on Saturday February 18 just before the Sun enters Pisces. This gives us a period for about the next 28 […]
Micro-Forecast: February 6 to 12, 2023
Sunday February 5 was the 2nd 90-day quarter after the November eclipse. Last Sunday’s Full Moon at 16° Leo marked it. This is particularly affecting many born in the late 1940s. Much of the revelations for these coming weeks have much to do with investments, portfolios, hidden resources that now must be used, and a […]
Micro-Forecast: January 30 to February 5, 2023
Sunday’s Sun trine Mars gave each of us that shot of adrenaline we’ve been searching for and now that we are in the First Quarter Moon phase of the Moon (the getting it organized phase) the timing is perfect for a week of special opportunities. The culmination occurs at the end of the week when […]
Micro-Forecast: January 23 to 29, 2023
Astromexico Uranus Awakener, July 2021 Okay! Let’s go! Mercury and Mars are both direct and we just had a New Moon at 2° Aquarius over the weekend. Do you feel the rush, the urgency to get going? On Tuesday, the Sun in Aquarius is working beautifully with Jupiter in Aries offering opportunities that come from […]
Micro-Forecast: January 16 to 22, 2023
The train is moving out of the station this week as Mercury turns direct on Wednesday January 18 at 08° Capricorn. This is the same day that that transiting Sun aligns with Pluto in Capricorn urging all of you to get rid of, disperse, give away, and dump the ‘stuff’ both tangible and intangible that […]
Micro-Forecast: January 9 to 15, 2023
2023 Forecast with Georgia Stathis for SFAS The wheels are finally in motion as Mars begins its change of direction, going direct on Thursday January 12 at 08° Gemini 07’ after having been in retrograde motion since late October, 2022! This week may feel as if things are beginning to move at a much faster […]
Micro-Forecast: January 2 to 8, 2023
You may be coming out of a very intense weekend, because over the course of the last few days transit Venus, which has much to do with desire and relationships, traveled right over Pluto and the fall out might have been sometime this weekend through Monday. As evening begins, transit Venus enters the sign of […]
Micro-Forecast: December 26, 2022 to January 1, 2023
Over the course of the next few days, Mercury, the planet of communications, travel, commerce is beginning its retrograde period starting on December 29 at an interesting degree…24° Capricorn. It continues in its retrograde motion through the new year going direct on January 18, 2023. It is an intriguing degree because there is a ‘stop,’ […]
Micro-Forecast: December 19 to 25, 2022
I thought I’d start this week out with a little something different. I rarely talk about the four major asteroids, although I do use them extensively, particularly when I look at vocational inclination in a chart. The largest of the asteroids is Ceres, who was also known as Demetra, in the earlier Greek. Her story […]