Have you ever heard the saying, “A rolling stone gathers no moss?” In these last few days and through mid-June, a grand cross is in play. A grand cross is when four cardinal or mutable or fixed signs are sitting on each corner, locking in the energy. This grand cross is fixed and more challenging because fixed is fixed and it doesn’t like to change its opinion or position. It is not likely to pivot or be flexible. Any grand cross – a two-dimensional square can be viewed as a three-dimensional figure and in the case of a grand cross, a cube. The four planets and nodes on these corners are: Jupiter Taurus, Mars Leo, North Node Taurus, and South Node Scorpio. In my Weekly Weather, May 22, for www.astrologyhub.com, I share a story about a class I taught regarding grand cross aspects that often feel like cubes sitting on the side of a hill. We all know if you put a large cube on the side of a hill, it doesn’t roll very well. In that same class I asked them what would you do to push that cube down the hill gaining traction and rolling and moving forward? Especially if it is really entrenched. One seasoned student answered and I always remember her, she said, “You move some rocks!”
That’s this week’s thought. If you are feeling stuck or tired or depressed or unable to get going because you’ve been racing so very quickly over the course of these last few months as Jupiter transited Aries. Now as of May 16 Jupiter entered Taurus slowing things down considerably. So, what IS the first thing you need to do to remove existing impediments? What is it you still haven’t done, that perhaps, you know you needed to do in these last weeks, but with Jupiter racing so quickly through Aries, too much time was flying by? Now as we move into the First Quarter Moon (the part of the cycle where fresh new ideas arrive), you have that opportunity to view things from a different perspective.
The Sun just entered Gemini, the problem solver of the zodiac, who often works as a mediator and negotiator for getting things moving forward. What people (specialists) do you know that may have key answers to some of the problems you are facing? Have you gotten yourself out of your home and walked a little, bringing in the fresh air for the lungs, that is so very crucial for Gemini energy to thrive? Watch impulsive buys during the first few days of the week, as transit Mars is squaring transit Jupiter (now in early Taurus) and squaring the transiting North Nodes. We are still trying to roll down that hill and gathering a few allies to help you with some new ideas or strategies is a good way to start. If something didn’t work out that you counted on during the Mercury retrograde period, something far more appropriate is coming in – because there really is an order to how the universe works. Engaging others who know more than you do assists in minimizing the overwhelming tasks at hand. As the week finishes, the answer may be to simplify everything. What are most important, basic, and fundamental are the questions as the Sun and Saturn square each other? What are the main bullet points of your life right now? The rest is unimportant. https://astrologyhub.com/weeklyastrologicalweather/ is my weekly weather channel. Enjoy!
Client Sessions:
I will be taking just a few clients over the course of the summer. I have had many requests to come back to private sessions and I am booking them now. I won’t be doing a full schedule, but a couple of clients a week, and I will be back on Pacific Time after June 6 when I begin taking clients again. Thank you all for your patience with this as this has been a great year for developing courses and designing new surprises set for 2024. Click here for the full details and to book your session!