I don’t know about you but with all these planets going direct, it feels that time has sped up even more than before. Decisions are being made, paperwork is flying out the door and/or into the shredders, people are moving, people are rebuilding or redecorating, lots of stuff is happening. What’s causing this? Here they […]
Micro-Forecast: October 4 to 10, 2021
This week’s New Moon on Wednesday October 6 at 13° Libra energizes because on the same day, Pluto goes direct at 24° Capricorn! I find on the days that Pluto goes direct (it went retrograde on April 27) is when we find ourselves making hard choices. We often let go of things we’ve been holding […]
Micro-Forecast: September 27 to October 3, 2021
Mercury went retrograde on Sunday, goes direct on October 18, and catches up to its retrograde position on November 3. (Sorry for the previous typo!) It IS direct now and it is an excellent time for all of us to re-frame or re-imagine our relationships whether professional or personal or both. Clearer communications are possible […]
Micro-Forecast: September 20 to 26, 2021
Today is the Full Moon at 28° Pisces…at almost the critical degree of 29° Pisces, where we process our psychological toxic waste. Over the course of the next few weeks, this Full Moon provides release. There are several kinds of release. Sometimes it is psychological release or the release of old goals and acquaintances. Sometimes […]
Micro-Forecast: September 13 to 19, 2021
I’m back after a needed break. I am slowly getting back to typing and want to thank you all for your patience as I recovered from this last hand surgery. I am good to go now – and with a little bit more physical therapy – getting ready for the next season. Funny thing about […]
August Newsletter
Georgia sent this out last week to her newsletter subscribers, and wanted to also share it here during her Micro-Forecast Hiatus: Hello Everyone! This newsletter is actually being dictated instead of written because I have been in a cast on my right hand for several weeks now after surgery that was long overdue. This is […]
Micro-Forecast Hiatus
Georgia is taking a short hiatus from writing Micro-Forecasts to work on the busy slate of upcoming classes and lectures she’s doing in the fall. She’ll also be getting the 2022 Cheat Sheet done, so expect her back in mid-September with a whole lot of great astrology education for you. Check out her upcoming events […]
Micro-Forecast: August 9 to 15, 2021
Mercury has a few more days in fixed Leo. Fixed energies and Mercury (thinking) can make people fixed in their ideas and opinions. As Mercury enters its own sign Virgo on Wednesday August 11, the fluidity of thought comes more easily and with great assistance from the Venus trine Pluto on the same day. Venus […]
Micro-Forecast: August 2 to 8, 2021
This week transiting Mars is squaring (stressing) that Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 at 5◦ Sagittarius. Mars continues pushing that eclipse and the June 10 eclipse all the way through the end of this month. Mars has always been associated with motivation, making decisions, moving forward, and cutting away that which doesn’t […]
Micro-Forecast: July 26 to August 1, 2021
The big news this week is that after several weeks of Jupiter in Pisces, on Wednesday July 28, Jupiter retrogrades back to Aquarius to finish out its run in Aquarius through December 28, 2021. At that time, Jupiter re-enters Pisces (where it was briefly between May 13 and July 27, 2021) and stays in Pisces […]