This is the week of the First Quarter Moon which is the part of the monthly cycle, to put together an organizational plan. It is a good time to get to work on that special project or at least make a dent in something you are supposed to design or plan. Tuesday’s February 8 is a great day for when motivation meets opportunity and ideas. If you can work with others in a compatible environment, so much more can be done because there is strength in positive numbers. If you are stuck on how or the why of doing something, keep the faith because at the end of the week Mercury (now direct and in earth) is aligned with Pluto which is the perfect combination for research and development and someone who has already dived deeply into what is confusing you.
It is also a good week for me to put something out there to you…and ask you my readers a few questions…
I think I should take the opportunity in the middle of this week’s forecast to tell you that (at this writing) I am now back in my place in St. Petersburg, Florida. Many of you know that I have a residence there but have not been able to return due to Covid restrictions and now I can. I am not exactly sure when I will be taking online consultations because I still must leave that ‘time’ that I’ve needed to re-frame my work. So, as my readers, I am asking you what are your thoughts on Podcasts – that last about 10 or 15 minutes? So many people are doing them now – but I think a few stories woven into fun insights on trends could be fun. Like Brain Food…which might be a good moniker for this idea?
Or would you prefer more general presentations for a more public audience devoid of the astro-language but still using all the forecast techniques I use? My sense is that I’d like to move to a more common language – that connects more people– My job is to spark ideas or thoughts that I see might have solutions that someone might like to try.
What about more articles or online astrology classes? What would you like to learn? Is there a group that might be interested in attending a 10-week Business Astrology course? Or other formats of the same idea? I see a real lack of understanding basic astrological techniques and I do have several classes I have taught at the website that might be of use to those who study astrology. If you just send me your thoughts at I’d love to have some feedback because I too am looking for new insights and directions. I may not be able to answer, but trust me, I will take all your thoughts into consideration as I reframe this next year. Thanks for indulging me – I am realizing that to ask for help is part of my learning curve.
Speaking of online workshops: This weekend, Friday February 11 from 6:30 to 9:30 pm Eastern time and all-day Saturday February 12 from 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Time, I am teaching my unique workshop on Planetary Archetypes for the Midwest School of Astrology. To register for this course, please contact Midwest School of Astrology at
This is always a fun course because it has lots of images and shows the similarities between various cultures and how the archetypes of the planets still hold the same meanings. I hope to see you there – it is online – so you don’t need to travel far – just as far as your home office.