I was recently watching the original Jaws film directed by Stephen Spielberg. It was a lazy Sunday morning and my first day here in St. Petersburg to really kick back, have coffee, read and catch up with myself. I must admit as difficult as Jaws is to watch at times, the acting of Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw (a great Leo actor who died right after this movie) and Richard Dreyfus. The film was made in the mid- 1970s and I have seen it a few times but this was the first time that I realized that in the story – there were no computers – no cell phones (maybe if they had had one they could have called for help after Quinn (Shaw) destroys the Orca’s ship to shore phone). There were no digital cameras (after all in the 2nd Jaws II they have to develop film to see the shark) and in the original the kids are playing a very primitive on their PacMan on their television set! These are all things I failed to notice in prior viewings. This time it struck me how, in just 45 years, drastically things have changed in terms of communication.
It struck me how little time – granted it was summer and an island – how little time spent indoors and how much time people interacted with each other – whether they got along or did not get along. How young people connected in a way young people used to bond (in person) and got together sharing activities where they were learning social structures and learning how to relate to one another.
The point of all this is that as the Sun is now in the sign of Pisces and one of the best days of the year is on Saturday March 5 when Jupiter and the Sun come together at 15° Pisces, triggering a type of 12-year opportunity cycle for us in whatever part of our charts this is taking place. Jupiter often brings things to us. Jupiter is usually a lucky planet bringing good fortune and sometimes it brings us too many choices where it is difficult to decide which is the better path to follow.
Jupiter is protective, expansive, needs freedom, wants to ‘learn’ something new and since these two are in Pisces, it is suggested that one thinks about learning something that has a more creative and expressive side to it, and/or move out of the ‘discomfort’ zone of these last few years that has made most of us socially inept on some level or another since we haven’t been able to be with people in the same way we used to be with others.
Taking calculated risks are this week’s theme — again on Saturday March 5 – Mars and Venus conjoin in Capricorn with Pluto. This upcoming combination suggests that big choices are coming involving a certain level of risk, outside of our comfort zones and if those choices are made from the heart more than the head, they could bring new frontiers of experience and opportunity. We just have to get out of our own way.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and the part of the year where we filter out all the things that made us who we are in this last year – both good and bad. I often refer to the month of March as the ‘toxic waste management’ part of the year where, if we really let go of things that no longer work for us both psychically as well as physically, with Jupiter and Sun aligning at the end of this week to help us, new spaces we create spark new directions and opportunities. And fun!