Today is the day of the TOTAL Solar Eclipse at 23◦ Sagittarius. Total eclipses are intense and this one is close to the Galactic Center where the Sun will travel over the course of this next week. When things pass through the Galactic Center, changes happen fast! The last four dates where the solar eclipse […]
Micro-Forecast: December 7 to 13, 2020
This is a Last Quarter moon week, the one week in the month where we batten down the hatches, close out our paperwork, clean off the desks, and begin preparing for the New Moon next Monday December 14. It is a good idea to go through all those lists of things yet not completed and/or […]
Micro-Forecast: November 30 to December 6, 2020
Today is a Full Moon in Gemini and Sagittarius, but it isn’t a normal full moon, it is a Lunar Eclipse as well. It falls between 8◦ and 9◦ of Gemini (as the Full Moon is always opposite where the Sun is traveling – and the Sun is traveling through early Sagittarius now. Lunar Eclipses […]
Micro-Forecast: November 23 to 29, 2020
This is Thanksgiving week in America. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from all of us at Starcycles. We know that your celebrations may be vastly different from other years due to more restrictions with the pandemic and other places like restaurants. But still, the beauty of the season is that in America we usually […]
Micro-Forecast: November 16 to 22, 2020
I love the first week after a New Moon, because things feel clearer and fresher. This week is no different as Mars has also just gone direct and Mercury will be back at its regular speed after November 20. With that said, there should be some ‘crackling’ discussions around Tuesday November 17 when Mercury, the […]
Micro-Forecast: November 9 to 15, 2020
I know you are all wanting me to comment on last week’s election. I can’t because I write these several weeks in advance. I will say one thing. Get ready for some sparks to fly this week. The long-awaited Mars goes direct on Friday November 13 at 15◦ Aries 13’. Mars won’t really get back […]
Micro-Forecast: November 2 to 8, 2020
As many of you know, I write these forecasts weeks in advance and try to stay neutral and non-partisan while looking at the pure energy of the dancing planets. This, of course, in America is the week of the USA election, a much publicized and contentious event for the last several months. Mercury is going […]
Micro-Forecast: October 26 to November 1, 2020
Mercury is still retrograde in Scorpio. On Tuesday October 27, it moves back to Libra along with Venus entering Libra. This affords a more diplomatic conversation between our professional as well as personal relationships if we are willing to talk about the issues of personal responsibility. The ‘big’ elephant in the middle of the room […]
Micro-Forecast: October 19 to 25, 2020
The week is a bit topsy turvy as Mercury continues in its retrograde while continuing to oppose volatile Uranus. This can be an exhausting on, then off, then on again energy. You want to be close, then you wish to separate, then you wish to be close again. Your mind is restless and sleep escapes […]
Micro-Forecast: October 12 to 18, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving to our friends in Canada! There is a lovely aspect in which the week begins. It is an aspect that has been on and off this year, which is really helping all of us move through these more difficult days. Today Jupiter (good fortune and protection) are in a lovely sextile (60◦ aspect) […]