The New Moon is Tuesday May 11 at 21◦ of Taurus — a solid and functional project energy. With Mars in a good aspect to the Sun, finishing that kitchen project (Mars is, after all in Cancer) or getting a financial budget together (Taurus is the natural second house of cash flow and budgeting) helps […]
Micro-Forecast: May 3 to 9, 2021
Mercury rules the lungs, Saturn can be somewhat restrictive. Mercury is about communicating, and Saturn holds back. These two are confronting each other this week and allergies may be particularly difficult this week. But…this is also a fabulous combination for focusing on a writing, speaking, analytical project. Saturn provides the focus and Mercury does the […]
Micro-Forecast: April 26 to May 2, 2021
Today is a Full Moon in Scorpio opposite the Sun in Taurus – this Full Moon is about releasing control and letting go. The key thing to remember with this Full Moon is that it is lined up with Uranus, which tends to be more extreme in its expression. This adds to the normally crazy […]
Micro-Forecast: April 19 to 25 2021
Life begins to slow down as the Sun enters Taurus along with Mercury entering Taurus on Monday. This is a welcome combination after the hectic energies of these last weeks. A lot of decisions for moving forward with new plans were made in the earlier part of April and continue through the Full Moon of […]
Micro-Forecast: April 12 to 18, 2021
For those of us in the USA, April 15 is the day our taxes are due…I am sure I don’t have to tell anyone reading this that it is this week. I always try to get as much done as I can at the beginning of the year and often discover that the week or […]
Micro-Forecast: April 5 to 11, 2021
This week highlights relationships as Venus and Mars are in a lovely aspect with each other on Tuesday April 6. The aspect is a sextile and the definition of a sextile — a 60-degree distance between planets — is there is a combination of an opportunity with one’s abilities. Since Mars is in Gemini, part […]
Micro-Forecast: March 29 to April 4, 2021
Mercury, the planet of communication, is still in the sign of Pisces and today it lines up with Neptune providing a sleepy or unfocused moment or two. The positive about these two conjoining is that it is also a great time to operate in a more creative, right brained way. If you enjoy art or […]
Micro-Forecast: March 22 to 28, 2021
Welcome to Spring! The Vernal Equinox was Saturday, March 20 at 2:37 AM Pacific time and 5:37 am Eastern Time. This is one of the two days each year where we have equal day and night. You might say it is the balancing point of the year like Fall Equinox in late September. The Spring […]
Micro-Forecast: March 15 to 21, 2021
Let’s review where that December 14, 2020 TOTAL solar eclipse hit you in your chart. I am including a quick and easy graph below for if you happen to know your time of birth as that could determine where your rising sign is and then you can read both your Sun sign and rising sign […]
Micro-Forecast: March 8 to 14, 2021
The new lunation cycle begins with the New Moon in Pisces on March 13, 2021 at 23◦ Pisces. This is a wonderful month for imaginative play, creative pursuits like painting, designing, reimagining a room, watching movies, taking photographs, or reading something that inspires you. Since the Sun and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces on March […]