May Day is celebrated in many parts of the world as a celebration of the beginning of spring bounty and the fertilization of flowers for future crops. Symbolically, this is often a time for fertilizing innovative ideas. Mercury is still retrograde this week and in Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, so one of the […]
Micro-Forecast: April 24 to 30, 2023
As you all know by now, there was a very powerful Total Solar Eclipse last Thursday. It was an ‘energy sapping’ eclipse. It was about and continues to be about not resisting change. Everybody always talks about change and it sounds the same each time. This one, I suspect, is quite a bit different and […]
Micro-Forecast: April 17 to 23, 2023
Much happens this week. If you feel that you are just a little bit out of sorts – or just simply exhausted, chalk it up to a few things. First, Mercury, the planet of communication is slowing down in Taurus. It doesn’t officially retrograde until Friday, April 21. It will, however, retrograde right at the […]
Micro-Forecast: April 9 to 16, 2023
Venus enters Gemini early this week and starts making lovely aspects to transiting Jupiter in Aries. This helps calm down usually anxious energy of Venus in Gemini because Jupiter in fire sign Aries helps balance out air energy Venus in Gemini’s need to know and do everything at the same time! The energy is there […]
Micro-Forecast: April 3 to 9, 2023
As promised, I am attaching a little list of some of the things possible while Saturn is transiting through Pisces over the course of these next 2 1/2 years. What I do like about Saturn in Pisces (Water) is that it will be working very nicely with Uranus in Taurus (an earth sign) particularly in […]
Micro-Forecast: March 27 to April 2, 2023
Here we are now on the other side of Spring Equinox (equal day and equal night) as well as last week’s ingress of Pluto entering Aquarius, where it will only travel for a short time until June of this year, when it returns to Capricorn, then back to Aquarius in 2024, then back to Capricorn, […]
Micro-Forecast: March 20 to 26, 2023
Monday at 5:24 PM the Sun enters tropical Aries, and we enter Spring Equinox. Equinox means equal day and equal night. The days get longer in the Northern Hemisphere, going forward. Spring Equinox is considered the starting point for the zodiacal year. We look at the aspects of that chart’s moment to tell us many […]
Micro-Forecast: March 13 to 19, 2023
Three important items for this week. First, Mars which went retrograde in Gemini last fall, then went direct this January, reaches its retrograde position on Wednesday of this week. This is its shadow position, and, simply put, places Mars back on track for mental motivation and problem solving. Confusion gives way to clarity as we […]
Micro-Forecast: March 6 to 12, 2023
I wanted to spend some time with Saturn’s ingress into Pisces on Tuesday March 7. For the East Coast that is at 8:34 am and for the West Coast it is at 5:34 am. The few days prior it may feel like you are in a hamster’s cage wheel moving so quickly that you don’t […]
Micro-Forecast: February 27 to March 5, 2023
We start getting to those tasks we’ve been attempting to master this week because the week begins with a First Quarter Moon, always good for putting our heads back onto our shoulders. I don’t know about all of you but my head has been looking for my shoulders for a few weeks now. Just found […]