Micro-Forecast: February 17 to 23, 2025

Following is a summary of today’s longer weekly forecast. This week’s message is a bit longer because I’ve been away and now, I am back.

  • North Node in Pisces: The transiting North Node has entered the 29th degree of Pisces, which signifies a period of notable change and the need to train the unconscious mind towards positivity. In many ways, since several of these degrees are at 29° Pisces, his is also the fixed star Scheat, which can represent a release from bondage according to Diana Rosenberg.
  • Impact of Neptune: Neptune’s influence this year emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive frame of mind, as it can either undermine confidence or foster creativity and solutions.
  • Challenges in 2025: The year 2025 will challenge individuals to confront and address their unconscious demons, with significant changes expected in both personal and professional spheres.
  • Uranus in Gemini: Uranus will move into Gemini in July 2025, bringing about revolutionary changes, particularly affecting youth, communication, and technology.
  • Historical Context: Historical events, such as the American Revolution and other significant periods, are used to illustrate the potential impacts of current planetary movements.
  • Advice for Individuals: Individuals are advised to hold steady on their positive paths, stay informed, and use their intuition to navigate the challenges of 2025.
  • Upcoming Eclipses and Retrogrades: Significant astrological events, including eclipses and planetary retrogrades, will occur throughout the year, influencing various aspects of life.
  • Importance of Historical Knowledge: Understanding history and geography is emphasized to better navigate the present and future challenges.

With that said…

The first thing is thank you to the 100+ people that attended our fundraiser for www.alexandriaibase.org on February 10 where I spoke about the impact of the 29th degree, which is all over the planetary movements of 2025. Briefly, when a planet reaches its last degree, the 29th degree (there are 30 degrees to a sign), it feels as if one is going faster and faster and going nowhere. Frustrating? Yes. Anxiety producing? Yes. Is one able to make clear decision on the direction they’d like to take for their next move? Quite often not. This is because we are in a massive void of unknowns. The Void is often associated with nothingness, sometimes a feeling of emptiness. And yet, it is in the void that a lot can happen that we don’t often see until the planet or planets (in this case) finally cross over and progress into their new sign cycle. When planets that move very slowly like Pluto, or, Neptune, Saturn as well as revolutionary Uranus are at the end of their cycle – all at the same time as they are in 2025, then it feels as though the world is crashing down on you from all sides. Yet, there is change in the wind, you just don’t see it yet. This is frustrating, particularly for a culture that is used to deciding on a direction and going towards that – when in fact all signs show only confusion and backwards movement.

With transit Mars still – yes still – retrograde (this adds to the confusion) in Cancer, there are distractions, disruptions and since Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which rules families as well as large populations of people, sudden disruptions seem even more exacerbated along with three of the ten planets at their last degrees. So, what to do? As Mars turns direction to go direct on February 23, we may see more actions to get things right and on the straight path, but with Venus very soon thereafter turning retrograde on March 1 – the next battle of wits is really about values, since Venus represents values and with Saturn very close to Venus, the reality that our values ARE important and worth fighting for – a very ‘Aries’ kind of thing. The next few paragraphs are ones that I wrote a couple of weeks ago – I paused – and decided not to send them, but today as the Full Moon is in Leo a I write this, it is appropriate to share my thoughts on how these planets are and might continue acting out. So here goes:

Uranus, the planet of upheaval, revolution, and waking up went direct on January 30. Uranus often feel like a cosmic slap for us to move out of our doldrums and pay attention, especially when it is at the end of its seven-year cycle. On May 18 , Uranus returns to its retrograde position of 27° Taurus and keeps going until it hits that 29th degree in June and then moves to Gemini in early July 2025. Uranus remains in Gemini for a few short months until November – where it returns to Taurus where it retreats through the end of this year, backing away from some of the radical changes implemented earlier in the year. June should be an eye-opening month, because Uranus will reach 29° Taurus and it is 90-days after the March 14 eclipse. This is like suddenly having peripheral vision after being in an interminable blind spot. Things are revealed and appealed.

When Uranus ingresses into Gemini, first in July, then permanently in 2026 for 7 years, the return of that planet begins to the USA Declaration chart. Revolution is often associated with Uranus and the issues of human rights, tariffs, quartering, and many other abuses of the Colonists is what triggered the American Revolution. And revolutions come in many different forms. Pushback is always rampant in the USA when Uranus returns to Gemini, which it last did during World War II, the most recent ingress of Uranus at Gemini. But it will be different this time – I think. But first, let’s couch this from another perspective and break down the event that occurs about 7 months from now, temporarily, and then returns in 2026.

Traditionally, Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which rules youth, young people, problem solving, logistical networks, and various forms of communication. Uranus reflects the attitude of large swathes of the population and how they collectively experience things. Gemini is youthful, somewhat immature at times, and uncomfortable with age. It can be the Peter Pan energy that shouts, ‘I won’t grow up.’ Still youth will suddenly have a voice, my opinion. The thing about youth is that they have a lot of energy and can be tricksters as well as proficient students. Youth always has a finger on the button of the future while often feeling powerless because they are young and often have a lesser voice than those older. But this time, in my opinion, their voice will become stronger because they have a tool bag of magic tricks –technology. And every revolution is always triggered by extreme behavior. Witness the recent outrage by youth at the Supreme Court’s decision that Tik Tok is to go dark. That outrage triggered a re-think on how to handle Tik Tok. We’ve yet to know the outcome.

We are in a big world now – not just the United States – we are a world of many moving parts. As I investigate the planetary movements of the coming months, it is important to remember what happened before and how the planets have acted before. This is really the time to hold steady on our individual, positive paths, and stay true to what is right, fair and correct – to not allow the all-encompassing transit of Neptune on the transiting Lunar North Node to cause us to go off the rails into Depression and just give up- something easy to do when so much seems like it is going to a place we’ve never seen. Bubbles do burst and a few of those may do just that in the coming weeks. The thing about Americans – historically – is that they’ve always been extreme. Always. It is then that substantial changes come. For those of you who were around in the 1960s, when young protestors stormed the streets and young people were beaten by Chicago police at the Democratic National Convention (I was there at the time, at school as a resident assistant at Northwestern paying for my room and board with that job). My freshmen, for whom I was their dorm mom, came back bloodied and beaten because they were at that convention. I was young too – only 21. They were 18.

When National Guardsmen fired on student protestors at Kent State in Ohio, my brother, Jim, was there in the second line of Guardsmen not required to fire. But he saw it, traumatizing him for the rest of his short life. The Kent State Shooting triggered a national student protest where universities shut down and business stopped. Long before that, I remember watching Senator Joseph McCarthy on our little black and white box of a television (I was very young – but remember the ‘scary man’) yelling and screaming and pounding his gavel in Congress creating hysteria known as the Red Scare and pitting people against each other using fear tactics – many losing livelihoods for years. The only way they got rid of him was when he started attacking the military and this is long after Senator Margaret Chase Smith warned Congress of his danger. Her warnings proved prescient.

Know history. You don’t have to have a college degree to know history. Know geography. I know it sounds boring to many – but just look at a real map occasionally and see where everything is. The more you know about the world, the less apt you are to become afraid of whatever is thrown at you, because you know where everything is on the planet. This is the good news about Uranus entering Gemini soon– we will have more information. The trick will be to decipher what is real and what is not real or true.

As I write this, before next week, today’s Full Moon in Aquarius falls close to the Declaration of Independence North Node, where Pluto will soon arrive at the South Node in Aquarius representing the past upon which we’ve built this nation – a past of extremes, of evolution, of innovation, and the unconventional. The current planetary landscape is forming a landscape of completion. Cycles end, cycles begin, revolutions begin, revolutions end and during all these extreme changes, new thought always finds its way.