Micro-Forecast: March 24 to 30, 2025

This week features a Solar Eclipse on Saturday, March 29, at 9° Aries, concluding the series of Libra-Aries eclipses that began in April 2023. Such eclipses can reveal unexpected truths. Given the ongoing retrogrades of Mercury and Venus until April, promises made might not be fulfilled promptly. While new partnerships or systems may appear promising, Aries’ impatience suggests that better opportunities may emerge in June or September, with the latter being more favorable. The last degree in a series is like the example of bases loaded in a ball game. Will the batter hit in that home run bringing in all the runners? Or not? This is how this last episode of an eclipse series acts.

This period of trial-and-error highlights flaws in plans or partnerships, consistent with the nature of Solar Eclipses (often associated with public figures and individuals as well), which emphasize shadows over light. Identifying these gaps is crucial for growth. Despite temporary setbacks, maintain commitment to your vision, understanding that current challenges are temporary. Considerable progress is anticipated in May and June, offering much-needed clarity and momentum.

The Sun and Mercury are together on the 24th, a perfect moment for thinking, planning, writing, and scheduling. Tuesday March 25, Mercury (thinking planet) and Pluto (the research planet) are in a lovely aspect to each other – a great time to ask the questions that need to be asked. Wednesday March 26 transit Mars squares Chiron – this begs caution in any running, walking, or exercising event. Make sure ankles and feet are properly supported. Another way to look at this stressful aspect is NOT to react to a wounding comment and try to keep your cool as they say. Responding in kind doesn’t get anyone anywhere. Deflect the comment and wait for another time to address this. Mars rules wounds and it is still in Cancer; thus, family communications may be tenuous at best during this time. Thursday March 27, transit Venus and Neptune conjoin. A wonderful day to see a play, go to a concert, get out and see a movie – anything that engages your imagination. This continues through Friday as transit Venus conjoins the transiting North Node. If you were ever going to go away for the weekend or attend a new learning symposium, this is a great time in which to do that. Reflect on areas in your business, relationships, psyche, home, or creative processes where shadows exist, and approach these challenges with courage, recognizing that pain often precedes substantial gain. Take any momentary blocks as learning experiences and remain steadfast in your aspirations. The difficulties faced in recent weeks will soon give way to brighter prospects.

I am teaching for Astrology Hub’s Inner Circle this year and if you wish to be part of this 12 month program where different speakers highlight each month’s lunations and…for a 50% off fee go to  https://portal.astrologyhub.com/sp/icexpand50off/