We Need YOU to grow!
Dedicated students of astrology often put considerable time and energy into finding quality astrological literature. It is rarely found in public libraries and is often out of print within a few years. Students and professionals have been known to develop their resource material from used book sellers, friends and associates. The goal is to first comprise a resource catalog from these collections before they are lost or forgotten. Currently, we have 10,000 listings from various collections like AFA, AA, and ISAR and identifying more locations where to find these books.
This is a perfect venue in which to conduct your research and find the literature and books on your specific topics as the database is designed in subject mode, quite unusual for a collection like this.
We became an official 501(c)(3) Educational Non-Profit in 2015 and worked together for three years prior to that. AIP is funded by individual donors, Urania Trust, Starcycles Publishing, and given great support by Kepler College.
We have established a giving fund to receive your charitable donations at Charles Schwab. Account number is 4071-5505. The account is set up to receive both cash and in-kind stock donations if you are interested in supporting a worthy cause through your planned estate.
Please direct your estate planners to call us or contact Georgia at stathis.georgia@gmail.com for more information. We also welcome donations of property, homes and land in your estate planning as a location where we can house the library will be greatly needed as we grow.
Future generations depend on you. If we don’t save these valuable treasures, future knowledge will be destroyed as it was in Alexandria, Egypt hundreds of years ago. For more information, contact either Georgia Stathis, Chair, at stathis.georgia@gmail.com or Enid Newburg, Treasurer, at Enid@keplercollege.org. We would love to talk with you and if you know individuals looking for Administrative positions, we have some paying part time positions coming soon.
The video here is an informal discussion between the original founders of this 501C3 non-profit educational foundation, now into it’s sixth year, on how it started and it’s unique design for seamless research. Take a moment to listen to an amazing global group who created a research miracle. We have three librarians on staff and a new project manager and are growing.