This is a recording from Georgia’s archives about the sign of Aries and the planet it rules which is Mars.
Analyzing Business Charts – English and Spanish
Analyzing Business Charts 5-hour Workshop. First presented in English by Georgia Stathis, then translated by Victor Rosillo.
From Macro to Micro Workshop
Assessing whether or not to invest in various assets requires several steps. First, we look at the larger, macro cycles and then move into more specifics. Georgia Stathis, an investor and astrologer, walks you through many ways in which she confronts these tasks, first by looking at general cycles, and then moving into some of […]
Pushing Through Time: Synodic Cycles and Their Developing Phases
From her new book, Georgia Stathis shares with you the concept of Synodic Cycles.
Electing Decent Business Charts
When setting up a business chart, what do you do? Georgia Stathis walks you through this process.
The Myths in the Chart
Incorporating the myths and archetypes into the story of your client helps them understand their chart better.
History of Fashion Cycles
This begins a new series of classes Georgia is presenting on the various aspects of Fashion and its history from an astrological perspective.
Analyzing Business Charts: FAA 2010 Mexico Sample
Analyzing Business Charts. First presented in English by Georgia Stathis, then translated by Victor Rosillo into Spanish. 48 minute sample of the longer 6-part workshop.
The Jupiter/Saturn Career Cycle
When Jupiter conjoins the natal Saturn every twelve years, the individual can begin a brand-new career cycle.
Weird and Wild Techniques for Understanding Relationships
There are other alternate things to look at in relationships, some are asteroids, fixed stars.