At the end of this week on March 14 there is going to be a TOTAL Lunar (FULL MOON) Eclipse at 23° Virgo 56’. For those who have a lot of late mutable signs in their charts – from about 22° to 28° Gemini, or, Virgo, or, Sagittarius, or Pisces this is a very emotional time. Full Moons, especially the super duper TOTAL Lunar Eclipses, are like a cosmic roto rooter creating explosions of emotions often resulting from holding things in for way too long. The Mutable signs of Gemii, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are experts in flexibility and are often more able than other signs to move more fluidly from one place to another and at the same time, are extremely sensitive to their immediate environments. Their trick of moving through things is to quickly move from a difficult place and shift. This is a great gift but, sometimes, especially since the hard-working planet of Saturn is also in play, at the present time, they must face the many responsibilities coming at them from all directions. It may feel as though there is no safe and restful space – which is also one of the things that Full Moons do anyway – interfering with sleep.
Mercury also goes retrograde on March 15, the day after the TOTAL Lunar Eclipse at the same degree that Venus went retrograde on March 1… or at least close. Venus was retrograde at 10̊ Aries 50’. Mercury is retrograde at 9° Aries 35’. Both are very close to the Solar Eclipse degree coming up on March 29 at 09° Aries. For those finding themselves wandering into a forest of unexplainable astro-language – this simply means….’hold the phone’! Hang on and hang tight. Aries is rule by Mars and all sorts of frustrations of not being able to proceed to the direct destination creates frustration and anger. This is one of those times when you’ve got so many things coming at you from so many directions that the inclination is to pull the covers over your head and come out sometime around summer. But you cannot do that.
Exercise helps. Limiting yourself to only so many hours a day where you function business wise and setting up call – in or meeting appointments in a set and much tighter schedule if you can. This setting of limits to how much time to work with clients (because they aren’t going to be making a whole lot of decisions right now), keeps you from bursting at the seams in frustration at the wrong people at the wrong time. Patience – a great virtue – is not something Aries energy embraces. At least some of that helps right now. Don’t allow yourself to be rolled over but understand that your frustration is very similar to those all around you as well.
Bottom line is no one knows the outcome of some of the very sudden changes that seem to be coming this month through mid-April. It could be that all the fuss was just a way to exhaust us. Exhaustion keeps people from functioning – thus the suggestion to limit times with customers, clients, or even certain family members to a limited schedule. At least for now. Stay centered.
I am teaching for Astrology Hub’s Inner Circle this year and if you wish to be part of this 12 month program where different speakers highlight each month’s lunations and…for a 50% off fee go to