Mercury goes direct on August 28 at 21° Leo after several weeks of retrograde motion after several weeks of delays. The transiting tropical Sun is now in Virgo, providing much needed grounding. It catches up to where it left off on September 12 (shadow position) but we are well on our way. As Mercury goes direct, the opening square between transiting Jupiter at 17° Gemini to Saturn at 17° Pisces is forming. Anytime there is a hard aspect between Saturn and Jupiter, business slows down to reassess its next move. Some people see this as a depressing aspect, but I rather look at it as a checkpoint, an opportunity to re-think what the next step might be in our business life.
The Jupiter/Saturn square calms the energy down compared to the hyped-up energy of the last few weeks when Mars and Jupiter were both in Gemini overflooding our senses with too much information and not enough sleep. Slowing down isn’t necessarily bad. A great among of support and potential financial opportunities are created over the course of this next week as we also have a grand trine (triangle support) between Venus at 26° Virgo, Uranus at 27° Virgo and Pluto at 00° Aquarius/29° Capricorn (Sept 1). This is the time to make your move. The next two weeks are moments of opportunity.
When Jupiter entered Gemini on May 25, it brought with it a lot of social energy. Restlessness, interest in all kinds of things, easy distractions are all part of Jupiter in Gemini, where there is just not enough time in the day to learn as much as we can, but that gets exhausting. This square between both Jupiter and Saturn affords a more anchored opportunity to tend to things for which we’ve been too scattered.
On September 1, Pluto moves back to the sign of Capricorn for the last time between September 1 and November 16. One of Pluto’s purposes is to uncover things hidden. Since it will be in the last degree of Capricorn for several weeks, get ready to discover things left hidden thus far regarding the law, ethics, systems, and flaws in systems. Nothing is perfect, it never is. Projects that have been sitting trying to complete begin growing legs with added help and assistance from others. A reckoning regarding how much we can or wish to do is very clear. Pluto in Capricorn (earth sign) working with the transiting Sun in Virgo (earth) and Uranus in Taurus (the third earth) offers more practical assistance and clarity regarding what path to forge, especially as transit Mercury also enters Virgo (its own sign) in mid-September.
Uranus Taurus also begins its retrograde motion. This takes place between September 1 and, 2024 and January 30, 2025. Always the innovator, Uranus takes a few months off to re-think the latest ideas, concepts, inventions, and movements in which we’ve become involved. Retrogrades are great for re-thinking and for re-grouping. Since Uranus is still in the sign of Taurus, which rules our ‘stuff,’ the reality of how much encumbrance, the ‘stuff’ creates sets in forcing a reality check about how free how encumbered each of us wishes to be.
Uranus has been in Taurus for six years now and Taurus is ruled by Venus, which rules women and women’s rights – much of what I wrote about in a recent newsletter. To recap that newsletter, the last time Uranus was in Taurus, was during World War II when countless women went into the factories building the planes and machines enhancing our win in the war effort. Those same women were forced to go home, when the men returned, but that moment in time shook up a new awareness of what is possible. And here we are almost 84 years later. Uranus is in Taurus and women are finally finding their voices along with men regarding what is fair and equitable. Uranus is the innovator, the awakener and the revolutionary. The sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus, reveals a new wave of women’s voices being heard and supported by both men and women making a very large social difference as we go forward into the future.
Wherever Uranus has been traveling through your chart, is where you re-consider a plan that may well include finance or financing. Taurus tends to hold on, sometimes too tight. This is its greatest challenge along with its greatest gift. Where in your life do you need to release ‘stuff’ and the need to acquire more ‘stuff’? This is the question of the next few months as Uranus is close to the end of Taurus. Cleaning out what doesn’t work is top of the list. This opens space for when Uranus moves into the lighter energy of Gemini between July and November of 2025. Releasing what doesn’t work has two stages. One is this fall as Uranus goes retrograde. And again, at the end of 2025 for just a few months more. The brunt of the release phase is through the end of 2024.