It might be that this week provides a giant “whoosh” and sigh of relief in our breathing since the last month has been one giant gust of wind. This is appropriate since we are in a Last Quarter Moon, which is the part of the month where we clear files and clear our desks and hopefully, we can clear our heads. This allows you to move forward to get things done you’ve been putting off all month. You know, the things that aren’t fun, requiring attention to details to finish things that really need to be completed. The slowing down we feel where we can take a breath is also appropriate because on August 5, the Mercury retrograde begins at 4° Virgo (talk about details and the things that aren’t as much fun ).
Mercury is retrograde in an earth sign and, in this case, rules Virgo, so I foresee get lots done until Mercury goes direct on August 29 at 28° Leo and catches up to where it went retrograde on September 12. For me, it is happening in my fourth house of home and I find myself dealing with some long-needed repairs on my home and starting to get the help you need before Mercury goes retrograde next week, might be a smarter move than waiting until Mercury really starts its retrograde. We have assistance with this retrograde because on Sunday August 4 transit Venus is also moving into Virgo – so the two of them – Mercury and Virgo are running neck and neck with each other – suggesting that we need to get things done, but we also need to take care of our health, our diets, our food intake, our kitchens, pantries, and day to day exercise and health sustaining habits. What have you NOT done that you know you need to do? It is worth noting that this is probably one of the best times during the year to deal with those issues.
And, finally, on Sunday August 4, we have a New Moon (which always begins the monthly lunation cycle) and it’s at 12° Leo 34’ . The New Moon calculated for Pacific time the new Moon in the second house of spending, value systems and is accompanied by other planets, namely Mercury as it stations to go retrograde. What part of your spending, budgeting, as well as your value systems need some research and re-thinking? Where are you draining capital and where can you shore it up?
The New Moon chart for Eastern time shows the New Moon in the twelfth house of research and development, psychological and physical needs requiring some care or new added perspectives. This is supported by that Mercury stationing to go retrograde in the first house of the physical body.
It seems that both psychological and physical health are highlighted this month – and addressing what is really making us anxious, ill, or incapacitated. It isn’t always a bug or a virus – sometimes it is much more the input we expose ourselves to daily.