Mars, which has much to do with acting as well as motivation, is in later degrees of Taurus right now. In a few days by week’s end, it will conjoin (connect) with transiting Uranus. There is a restlessness afoot with these two planets getting closer and closer. In addition, transit Mars is close to the once ever 14 years cycle of Jupiter Uranus which happened in late April 2024. So, what does this mean?
The Jupiter Uranus cycle at 21 to 22° Taurus is profound and explained in detail in the FREE downloads section. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction suggests innovative ideas as well as shocking discoveries. With transit Mars moving onto this conjunction this week, it can go two ways – there are always two ways. The less appealing can be over reaction to something because of unexpressed pressure or feelings bubbling internally and leading to an explosive reaction that can be quite damaging.
The other, more positive way this can work, is taking an idea, a project, a plan, a strategy you’ve mulled over and over. The plan is ripe to meet people or groups or those who have more experience all who can make the plan happen and work. The plan can bring in more revenue for you. The plan can mean that you are looking at another way to leverage your income with your desires for future options. The plan can be simply getting in shape physically (make sure you do some warm ups before launching into this one). The plan can be something you’ve been thinking about but one that hasn’t had the right software or equipment and now it is. The plan can mean taking what you’ve been doing with all your years of experience and pushing it into a brand-new direction that is on the horizon and the next phase of your life’s journey. This is the better way to work with this and next week’s Mars/Uranus conjunction, wouldn’t you say?
My plan for this next week is to present a lecture on Where will you be with the 29th Degree? on July 14, 2024 for NCGR-If you are an NCGR member, contact Jackie Slevin at I will also have it available for a download later on in the year.