The American July 4th celebration occurs on Thursday of this week. With transit Neptune stationing to go retrograde on Tuesday at the critical degree of 29° Pisces 55’ along with transit Mercury entering the sign of Leo on Tuesday, pay attention to the fun you employ over the course of this holiday week. Also pay attention to the parts of your life that you wish ‘released from bondage.’ The fixed star Scheat is at 29° Pisces and in the constellation of Pegasus. (Note how many art pieces are coming out now with Pegasus type themes – it is uncanny). The fixed start Scheat has a bad reputation as a cleaning out of the garbage in our lives but Diana Rosenberg, a fixed star expert, used to say that Scheat is also the ‘released from bondage’ degree of the zodiac.
Bondage has many interpretations. Each one of us knows what that means for us as individuals. This first retrograde of Neptune to the last degree of Pisces sets the stage over the course of the next two years (yes two years) for all of us to put into place a plan to be released from our own defined form of bondage. This is just the baby beginnings of that awareness. Take time for you alone to ponder the changes you wish to implement over the course of the next two years – and stop judging or worrying about being judged – just go with the vision.
On Wednesday transiting Mercury is opposite Pluto through the holiday offering opportunities for deeper conversations along with riskier arguments. Mercury/Pluto combos are also excellent for research, discovery, investigation, asking questions, as well as transforming thinking patterns by learning new things.
The New Moon on Friday is at 14° Cancer 23’ and the next few days from July 5 to July 10 are the 90-days after the big total eclipse of April 8, 2024. This is close to a hard square aspect to Putin’s Sun sign at 13° Libra – so there could be news regarding the conflicts of Russia and Ukraine. The USA Sun is in the sign of Cancer close to this degree as well, so political news and events may take a turn in a more informative direction with new discoveries brewing as I write this in early June 2024.
The New Moon in middle degrees of Cancer in a positive aspect to transiting Mars suggests that working with things that involve your home, home improvement, food, family, and housing are all possible during this next month. What have you put off regarding anything that has to do with water, plumbing, leaks, or pests? The 90-days after the eclipse this week and next suggest that it might be time to take care of those exact items.