Tuesday’s Full Moon at 8° Scorpio 18’ is a reflection point of changes that began at the Lunar Eclipse of October 28, 2023. Decisions are made. Secrets are revealed. In addition, the Full Moon is in a hard aspect to transiting Pluto. It happens at 7:49 PM on the East Coast of the USA. The conflict between individuals in positions of authority and the personal needs of the society are challenged this week as this chart triggers some harsh news. It also serves as a reality check in various areas of our lives that require change. This is a ‘fixed’ Full Moon. Fixed signs stick to their positions, but this is NOT the path to resolutions. Sticking to one’s position without any sort of compromise and not budging never ends well.
If one approaches this Full Moon with the attitude of working with others holding opposite views then if one listens rather than speaks and finds the threads of similarities, then dialogue begins. Admitting what one really doesn’t know doesn’t make you weak, it makes you stronger. Full Moons in Scorpio with Pluto highlighted always present us with choice. Choice is consciousness.
Does one choose the high road in an argument and rather than reacting, listen, thinking for a moment as to what was said and then responding in a non-judgmental way. This is a great way to maneuver through a contentious situation. Inviting insights from others, asking for their sources, helps clarify situations that seem, at best, cloudy and unclear. The cloudy unclear energy surrounds us throughout this year – anyway- as transiting Neptune is in its last degrees of Pisces, this is why positive solutions are taking so much longer to surface. Solutions often come after the dismemberment of certain ideologies and beliefs and with Neptune in Pisces throughout 2024, patience is required to allow our resolutions and ideas to bubble to the surface. Bottom line: if something or someone doesn’t feel right – you are probably right!
When you still have planets (plus the transiting North Node) still in Aries, the tendency is for knee-jerk reactions but with the planet leaving Aries in these next few weeks, I am hopeful for more peace and resolution. We also have Saturn and Mars in Pisces, right now. Distinguishing between fantasy and reality is helped with these two together in the sky. Solutions require a bit of incubation time for better outcomes. Inviting specialists in to help tease out what might be the best way to approach a challenge is probably good use of this time.
Part 2 of my video about the Jupiter/Uranus cycle, a fundraising vehicle for the Alexandria iBase Project, is now available! Please consider a donation if you find the information valuable.