In 7 days, there will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 05° Libra 07’. Lunar eclipses are notorious for stirring up emotions and feelings. You could feel the emotional rumblings as the week unfolds, the need to purge something out of your life or release some pent-up emotions that you’ve held inside in the hopes of not rocking the boat. The curse and the gift of Libra energy is that it wants everyone to get along, for things to be balanced and perfect, but the opposite sign – Aries- doesn’t always wish to express itself that way. It requires some action.
Early Libras and early Aries may find yourselves in confrontation mode with those close to you – particularly family members since eclipses run with the Moon’s node and the Moon has to do with emotions, memory, the past, family, and family patterns. There is an opportunity with this eclipse for those who, in their chart, are Libra heavy for learning to distinguish between what action is needed in a situation and what continues playing out in an ongoing drama offering no final resolution.
It may be as simple as needing to speak up in relationships, or something more important like asking yourself if you need to continue certain agreements in personal or professional partnerships. It could also be a call to consider where or with whom you are living. Have things run their course? Don’t decide during eclipses – because it is often about 90 days later that there is more perspective as to what to do and another 90 days to develop the plan springing from the eclipse six months earlier. Since the eclipse doesn’t happen until March 25 and another, even more intense, total Solar Eclipse shadows the Northeast of the USA on April 8, there is plenty of time for setting in motion a long term solution to an ongoing challenge regarding any type of partnership be it personal or professional – as Aries and Libra represent the partnership axis of the horoscope.
Your challenge is to start your ideas now, playing around with different scenarios that lead to the same desired outcome. It is easier to make decisions if you do research and formulate the results in a palatable manner. In other words, a few calls, texts, or inquiries a day – affords an idea time to percolate and solidify. This works well with the ingress of Mars (motivation) into Pisces on the 22nd using your intuition, innate psychic abilities, your visions, your dreams to find the right path over the course of these next few weeks. Everyone is getting hit with the eclipses – but the early Libras, Aries, Cancers, and Capricorns are particularly under fire as they maneuver their way through their forests of emotional encumbrance.