I wanted to make sure to mention something I’ve been experiencing, and I suspect you have too in the last two weeks. Right now, the fog is clearing. For the past two weeks, the transiting lunar node has been in middle degrees of Aries where it returns every 18 to 19 years – the lunar nodes run with eclipses. And over the course of the next few weeks, we will have two eclipses, thus the punctuation of this event. It felt important to discuss the fact that transiting Chiron at 17° Aries today is running with the transiting north lunar node at the same middle degrees of Aries.
Chiron is not a planet but really a comet and found a place in our solar system where it has been spending time together since its discovery in the late 1970s. It has a 52-year return cycle, and it is currently just past a conjunction with the north lunar node (also in Aries). The lunar nodes are the nodes of the Moon, the planet of emotions and the public response to global events. This conjunction has been bringing up lots of challenges regarding self-centeredness, the importance of knowing the Self as well as the importance of how the ‘wound’ of self-serving energies can be destructive and, in the process, provide teaching moments of learning how to serve the self without forgetting how important it is to serve others.
Chiron is a wounded entity, whose wound is his key to teach others what he learned from that wound. He is intelligent, a healer and a hybrid character (half mortal, half god, half man, half horse) who lives in two different worlds constantly causing global transformative awareness in whatever sign in which we find it at any given time. It has been in Aries for a few years and continues in Aries for a few more. With the transiting lunar node most recently conjoining Chiron and with the big eclipse (a Total Solar Eclipse on April 8) Chiron with be in exact alignment with that eclipse.
He is saying that we need to be mindful of rash actions and impulsive moments. He is, as Joyce Mason states, “Like Pluto but he leads you more gently” (because he is more in the head than in the body). The intensity of this combination – speaks volumes about what we see in the news, in politics and even in our own lives.
The need to express one’s anger born out of frustration can be destructive if irrational behavior accompanies actions and is engaged without thought. It asks each of us to think about threats and taking postures that are unmovable that, ultimately, become ineffective. Between February 19 to February 20, it began this very overt attempt to teach each of us lessons on actions versus reactions. Perhaps those were days where you seriously began self-examination in your own life how best to shift the narrative. It continues this intensity through early April.
Transit Chiron is now on the other side of the lunar north node as the north node moves backwards, Chiron moves forward, and we experience more objectivity as this combination intensifies throughout the month. We ‘see’ things more clearly. And a clearer path is set having boundaries so that change proceeds. Plans delayed or stopped begin moving again with slow, steady progress.