This is one of those weeks where you take a big deep breath and say ‘whew’! A lot has happened in these last few weeks. This is a good week to get yourself together, clear off your desk, dump papers, reorganize work or living spaces as the Moon moves into Last Quarter phase. This gives you a clear, psychic space in which to entertain visions you’ve set aside as you’ve scrambled to start this new year.
2024 adds up to the Number 8. The number 8 is a Scorpio number and represents the need to let go of, release the things that hold us down and rise anew much like the phoenix in myth. This makes total sense as the year is filled with the very slowest planets moving through the very end of their cycles. One of them is Neptune which rules Pisces and which has been in Pisces for almost 14 years. Over the course of this next year and a half, Neptune is dangling on the very last degrees of its own sign. Neptune can be a difficult planet for western society as many of us are work driven and left-brain thinkers. Neptune wants us to engage the other half of our brains – the more creative and irrational side of our beings. Our biggest challenge with this – is judging our imaginations – telling us often – that we just can’t think that way or that there is any possibility of doing this or that.
This isn’t the way to embrace and use Neptune in an optimum way. An effective way to work with the intensity of Neptune at the last degrees of Pisces this year is to do things like make hard copy treasure maps or sketched mind maps in our daily journals or diaries – or on our phones – without judging the result. Don’t even look at them after you put them down but do one every month – best around the Balsamic to New Moon each month – then put them away.
This will be particularly important in July 2024 as Neptune stations retrograde to 29° Pisces 55’, just a moment away from entering Aries! The last degrees of Pisces have a lot to do with releasing ourselves from bondage. Bondage is different for everyone. If you work all the time, then release yourself from ‘bondage’ by making an appointment to walk away from your workspace each day – or with friends. Another way to release yourself is to ask for help with responsibilities and tasks that are becoming overwhelming in which you feel swallowed. If you are caretaking a loved one, get help, even if it is a few hours a week – this also goes for caretaking newborns, too. A little ‘space’ time is all our souls need. It’s the food that feeds our spirits.
This is a short clip of a longer interview with Georgia in preparation for a workshop in 2024.