The big news for this week is that Saturn is turning to go direct on Saturday November 4, 2023. Saturn went retrograde at 7° Pisces on June 17. On Saturday it goes direct at 00° Pisces. The weeks in which Saturn begins to go direct are often filled with lots of energy to complete all kinds of tasks that are ready for mobilization. The image I get is like warming up a big vehicle that’s been sitting in the cold for a while and then moving forward with all its strength and surety. Saturn directs are decision making times for the weeks that follow and putting everything in order, trashing things that you’ve checked and don’t need, cleaning up desks and files, getting through all the required health appointments and setting up new health regimes, finding the book or article you’ve been searching for months, these are all part of Saturn going direct.
For those born with early degrees of Pisces planets, this last year required you to get organized and keep an accurate timetable. This is tough for Pisces energy as it needs dream time to function. But…the hard scheduling, the need to stay on track with projects, will all pay off if you’ve been focusing on the organizational part of your life. Between this week and February 8, 2024, when Saturn gets back to the degree at which it went retrograde (7° Pisces) lots is accomplished.
Wherever Saturn has been traveling through your chart, is where you were on a tight schedule and had to carefully parse your time commitments as well as examine where you have too many commitments to clear the field for your next phase in that area of your life. Where have you neglected your deepest emotional needs? What do you need to feel more balanced both spiritually and physically? Getting back to something that gives you immense joy and setting aside time in which to do that for a few hours a week greatly helps this process. Whatever it is, you’ll feel like a slow train is getting ready to move as the week begins and by the weekend, you are back on track.
Oh yes, and Happy Halloween if you celebrate Halloween. And perhaps honor those who are gone that helped you along the way – in your life-that what this holiday is about too.