Feeling a little feisty? Feeling anxious? No surprise as there is a Partial Lunar Eclipse (full moon) on October 28 at 5° Taurus and 5° Scorpio. This is an important eclipse since it is the last of the Taurus/Scorpio series that began in 2022. It is what I term a ‘leftover’ eclipse or a ‘Chernobyl’ eclipse (since Chernobyl did blow up with this eclipse back in, I think, 1986). I am not saying we will see nuclear power planets blow up but I am saying that this eclipse settles a lot of the back-and-forth issues particularly regarding money, debt, taxes, spending, values, that many have been struggling with for the last few years. Since this is a full moon eclipse it often feels like an emotional roto-rooter where people are on edge and may say things, they later regret.
This is because Mercury, the planet of communication and Mars, the god of action and war, are close together in the sky in the sign of Scorpio which can tend to make people jab at each other with words to elicit reactions. The ‘jabbing’ is due to inner frustrations and the need to express emotions or concerns pushed down and not addressed for a long time. I don’t know why we do that as people, but we do. We usually do it with those we most trust and love. In today’s media circus we see it play out in ‘anger-entertainment’ as a friend of mine recently said. The problem with these two planets in Scorpio topped with an intense full moon eclipse in Scorpio and Taurus is that it may feel like a joke when someone says it, but the receiver won’t take it that way. So, listen if someone you care about in either your business or personal life is spouting stuff. Listen and please don’t react. Let them blow it all out which affords them relief. Walk away. If you can. And then come back later to talk about what just happened. There will be far more clarity regarding this eclipse, which also occurred on the same date in 2004, on January 25, 2024. On December 30, 2023, Jupiter goes direct on this eclipse degree and so all the fuss and muss happening this week may right itself as Jupiter transits over this eclipse point right before the New Year.