You are moving and grooving long this week. It’s after Pluto has gone direct, after the Solar eclipse and Mercury, the planet of communication, is about to leave Libra and enter Scorpio on October 21 and 22, depending upon where you live. Venus is now in Virgo (earth) and moving towards a lovely trine (good) to transit Jupiter in the next two weeks. This is great for social connections and rekindling old friendships. As Mars slowly moves into Scorpio, your investigative tendencies peak, researching, asking questions, and finding out things you’ve been trying to figure out for a while. Perhaps engage someone who can help you find the answers. Or work with someone who is more technically astute while you re-think a strategy. We can’t do everything by ourselves. This is the possible message of the eclipses in Aries and Libra. Being more assertive regarding what we really want while asking others to help us achieve those goals without feeling we must do it all ourselves.
I don’t write about asteroids very much and do use them in my work when they are necessary. I did notice that on Tuesday Juno (also known as Hera in Greek Myth) enters the sign of Virgo and will be running next to Venus over the course of these next few weeks. Juno is known for her commitment to a person or a vision. Where is Virgo in your natal chart? Where do you need to recommit yourself to something that brings pleasure, beauty as well as purpose? It is also in that area of your chart where you may find others who are committed to what you desire at this time – again reach out – ask questions – be open – and answers present themselves.