Both Venus and Chiron went retrograde in the last two days…did you feel like you were dragging your feet through sticky mud? You haven’t lost your mind, but you may feel as though you’ve lost your purpose or direction. Believe me, you haven’t. Retrogrades push us to rethink what is NOT working in our lives and for each of the signs, Venus’ retrograde in different houses, focuses your attention in that area of your life needing a psychic facelift! As you all know, the chart needs an exact time of birth for the correct ascendant (or rising) sign to set off the patterns in the entire chart, but for the purposes of a public forum, I will use what we call solar charts. So here is the short list of what to expect as both Chiron and Venus retrograde, particularly focusing on Venus who goes direct in September and after she begins her slow down on July 28.
Aries: Re-evaluates issues with children, lovers, creative ideas, speculation, and stock portfolios. What are you spending on fun? Is it too much, or not enough? Is someone returning to your life asking you to reconsider a past love relationship? Take a wait and see position. You will know more in September. Meantime, where do you want to become more independent, getting back to earlier times when your independence worked with you rather than against you? What ideas can you put together to create a balance between serving others and being you?
Taurus: Re-evaluates situations with their core families, the conditions of the homes in which they live, if they wish to live there or what long-needed repairs need to be made. Do family members need more assistance right now? Health issues are part of the decision-making process. What psychological hang-ups or fears of the past (even early life) are keeping you from full self-actualization? Putting a regular spiritual practice into your daily routine – like walking, or, meditation, or something that allows you to be with your spiritual self. Sometimes that part of you is very different than the mundane day to day. It provides perspective.
Gemini: Re-evaluate the many short trips you are taking or wish to take as Venus retrogrades in your third house. Is there a situation with siblings that needs addressing? Do you need to finish your licensing program or complete a curriculum for future teaching opportunities? Are you thinking of taking a writing class, or a short trip? Double check plans as you move forward. Are your neighbors as well as your siblings on good terms? If there has been a hitch in the communication, it’s time to walk across the lawn or talk with your sibling and try to resolve things that sometimes fester and nip them now. Taking responsibility for the part you play is key.
Cancer: Re-evaluate your spending habits. Are you giving too much to others and not keeping enough for yourself? Remember the airplane rule when the masks come down – always put yours on first, then help others. Identifying unnecessary costs or hidden costs that limit your cash flow is important now. By taking a deep dive into cash flow, you figure new ways that might even be easier and fresh in terms of possibilities. This is the focus through September. What do you want to spend time and money on? Go there. What isn’t worth spending time and money on – get rid of those items. Anything is possible if you plan, especially traveling to places you’ve always wanted to see.
Leo: Re-evaluate what you are doing to keep yourself healthy. Slow down. Fire signs can go at it 100 miles per hour, but this is NOT the time in which to do that. Allow yourself the luxury of others helping you instead of the other way around. Of course, this means that a little Leo pride needs to be set aside while letting people know that you’re welcoming assistance- something Leos don’t normally do. Try it, you’ll find out you like it! No one thinks any less of you if you ask. Perhaps during this retrograde period, you may want to review what you are marketing and how you can change that? Be a hybrid thinker – combining your industry with another that is similar but still different – it opens all kinds of options.
Virgo: Re-evaluate your self-confidence. Why not ask ‘for the order’? Do you need to open this up by exploring your psychological fixations that keep you from a fulfilling life and lifestyle? Re-evaluate long-term partners, especially in your business affiliations. Are they really doing what they were hired to do? This is the time to check things out and set some serious boundaries and consequences and give them until September to adapt to the original playbook. Now re-assess. Is it efficient? Is it valuable? Is it worth the trouble? Or have you removed the trouble?
Libra: Re-evaluate your community involvements. Who do you want to continue to associate with and whom have you outgrown as Venus retrogrades in your 11th house of community, goals, and friends. Perhaps some of the goals you had in the past need release. Let go of old thinking and let the good stuff rise to the top by September. If you are in long term partnerships, how much are you giving or getting? Sometimes being more Aries like rather than Libra like resolves ongoing relationship difficulties. Sometimes you have to say the thing you don’t want to say but needs saying. This is Chiron working as a wounder and then a healer and it requires careful wording when it cuts close to the bone. You don’t want to slam doors shut forever. It takes time to ask for your needs, it doesn’t happen overnight, but if you keep at it, you might find big changes and light at the end of the tunnel by mid-September.
Scorpio: Re-evaluate your professional life and aspirations. Just because you learned something and were trained in a certain industry doesn’t mean you can’t consider branching out, but first you must let go of something not working. This opens a space for brand new aspirations in your life. What do you really want to be when you ‘grow up’ this time? The nature of Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, is to consistently peal back the layers of your existence so that the spirit Phoenix rises from the ashes each time. This is powerful stuff and it doesn’t matter if you are 20 or 70. Transformation is here and now as retrograde of Venus begs you to shift things around while engaging others for their input and support. Think about discarding fear and being open.
Sagittarius: Re-evaluate your long-distance travel efforts. Where do you really want to go or is it time to pursue higher education or return to your old consulting or marketing skills for the next phase of your life? Is it time to go back to school for higher education or write a novel you’ve been pondering? Are you traveling with travel companions who are fun and engaged in what you want to do? Or not? It might be time to help your children and set aside some of your personal desires. Those that you’ve cared for may be in great need and unable to express that need because they don’t want to impinge on your freedom. Sometimes freedom must be set aside to make things right in our worlds.
Capricorn: Re-evaluate your estate plan and/or your frozen assets? Are you too frozen in fear? Do you need to let go of some security to facilitate more pressing matters? Is your long-time partner fearful regarding what to do next in terms of money and finances? This may be an excellent time to work with someone who can help you both plan a good working financial future. This would help reduce the stress levels of the last few years. For example, is your home not serving your current purpose? Is it time to change how or where you live? This is happening because Pluto is finishing in Capricorn (your sign) and squaring the lunar nodes all year . Reality checks surround all of us but Capricorns are in the crossfires now – fear doesn’t get things done. It freezes us from changing. Letting go of little things here and there begins the journey.
Aquarius: Who are your main partners in life and in business? They may be going through a time where they are questioning their directions, their needs. How do their concerns fit in with your concerns and what would you or they like to see happen? Sometimes others with whom you are close go through re-evaluations of their own needs and this is happening now. They may not share those concerns with you, but you can see it. Suggest a dialogue to discuss issues.
Others may approach you for potential partnerships. Some are excellent opportunities, others less so. The key thing is that new partnerships bring something to the ‘party’. If potential partners are willing to bring something beneficial to the table, then the discussion continues through the summer as Venus is retrograde. With Chiron in the 3rd house, it could open educational or extended communication opportunities benefiting your vision.
Pisces: Re-evaluate your day-to-day schedule while Venus is retrograde in your sixth house of scheduling and planning. You know how to set better limits now than in the past, because Saturn is in your sign telling you to go slow. This helps you stay healthy and effective in your daily pursuits. Chiron is retrograde in your second house of cash flow. Perhaps it’s time to research the incorporation of hidden talents that can benefit a future vision you are entertaining but which is not yet clear. By September, you should be in a better place with a good balance between health, employees, work procedures, and the ability to see what is forming for the future. The summer is about working with helpers more skilled than you to help form your idea by year’s end.