We are about to have a New Moon (new start of the lunar month) 11:31 AM Pacific Time at 24° Cancer. We are in the ‘zone’ of big surprises as this New Moon begins the week. This New Moon is opposite Pluto. Pluto is always about making hard choices. Pluto doesn’t deal in grey issues – they are either you do something or you don’t. This was coming because it is also the 90-days after the April 20, 2023 TOTAL Solar Eclipse at 29° Aries 50’ which was square to Pluto THEN. Now the New Moon late Cancer is OPPOSITE Pluto. Choices, choices, choices confront us. We go back and forth about whether to do this or that – oppositions do that. As you juggle the options, ask yourself what are you unwilling to release? And really think about it—if you did, would you have more vitality and joy? Probably.
If you feel drained, have been experiencing illnesses this year (when you normally don’t experience these moments), then ask the questions you are afraid to ask. This is the time. And when you ask, keep pushing until you get straight answers. Often illnesses are precipitated by high levels of stress occurring over long periods of time. If we’ve been doing things the same way and at high speed, then this week’s New Moon is about changing the pattern for good. What is filling your life up so much that you feel you can’t even breathe? Is it time for a lifestyle change (Pluto often is involved in lifestyle changes).
Once you confront the truth of what isn’t working, then the summer begins a cycle (as Venus begins its retrograde period on July 28 to September 3) to evaluate how you can make changes that will give you a happier and easier lifestyle. This means paying attention to spending habits, lifestyle choices, addictions, and any ongoing toxicity around you and keeping at bay forward movement. While you do this you examine friendships, acquaintances, work situations where similar values have changed. These might grate against your newly found insights. We have all changed since the Pandemic began in 2020. It is almost 2024. Look at who you were then and who you are now – who you’ve become and where you’ve been going. What is working? Be honest with yourself – what isn’t?
Sometimes we say goodbye to those dear ones who’ve longed for release during these last months after a long struggle. Pluto can push that and when Pluto closes doors, over time, new windows bringing in fresh air and vitality appear. Remember this week is a NEW MOON. What new beginnings call you?
Watch for my Weekly Weather Podcast NEXT WEEK with Astrologyhub.com.
I wanted to say thank you to the many people that have booked private appointments. I am very happy to help whom I can. As mentioned earlier in the quarter, I only take a few a week, so there has been a long wait for appointments. I am still developing classes for a new project I hope to launch here in mid-2024, thus the limited appointment scheduling. Check our Shop as I have uploaded recently presented lectures on Zoom if you are unable to attend them in person.