May Day is celebrated in many parts of the world as a celebration of the beginning of spring bounty and the fertilization of flowers for future crops. Symbolically, this is often a time for fertilizing innovative ideas. Mercury is still retrograde this week and in Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, so one of the more obvious things that many people might be debating is how to improve comfort levels or beautify their environments for a more settled living experience. As it travels back over Uranus, ideas percolate, until Mercury’s direct motion in mid-May.
This is also the day that Pluto stations retrograde at 00 Aquarius until it goes direct on October 10, 2023. This could improve all planning strategies as retrogrades often take us back over the prior weeks to re-assess the ratio between expended effort versus returns regarding any of the planets. Since Pluto is the natural ruler of the 8th house of estate planning, estate organization, philanthropy, investing for the long term, addressing long overdue debt as well as monies that we owe (as in too much on credit cards) or the amounts we are paying in taxes or mortgages or rents, then this is a good time to think about how to make Pluto work in better way for your needs. Sometimes we must let go or release things we have been unwilling to give up but keep our stress levels too high. By releasing something wearing on us, we experience more vitality and more valuable opportunities show up if we are willing to let go.
As for the asteroids, which I rarely discuss, there are 2 of the 4 major ones changing signs this week. On Monday May 1, Juno, the goddess of commitment, enters the sign of Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and has to do with studies, bookkeeping, books, or articles we have not read but mean to read, licensing needing completion, or applications waiting for you to sign on the dotted line. Juno in Gemini is about committing yourself to problem solving and engaging others who have far better experience that we do to help with problem solving.
On Tuesday May 2, Pallas Athena, the goddess of strategic planning, pattern identification, legal affairs, imparts wise advice for an ongoing issue that is still unresolved. She enters Leo, who wants to have fun, or play, or take a chance on new creative ideas meeting the needs of the heart (Leo) but she still uses her head while figuring out how to change things up for more levity and laughter. She may be the steady hand we all need as we enter the shadows of the Full Moon Eclipse at 14̊ Scorpio 58’ opposite Uranus at 14̊ Taurus 58’ on Friday.
This eclipse is not as intense as the one on April 20, but it is an important one because Uranus is chaotic. This happens when we don’t listen to our intuition and stay in fixed positions. By opening and listening to our intuitive messages, Uranus brings magical solutions often by being out with friends in the community or groups that are new to your acquaintance. These groups are the change agents of your life. We often see the ‘fruits’ of the eclipse about 90-days later. August 1, 2023 is the proposed period for its changes.
We also have Venus finally leaving Gemini and entering Cancer, a cardinal/action sign on Sunday May 7. Venus in Cancer is much more comfortable with this eclipse because she is in a water sign and May 5’s eclipse is in water and earth. So, soothe anxieties arising as Venus finishes in Gemini on Saturday. Feel relieved on Sunday as Venus enters Cancer. Venus in Cancer is calmer and more purposeful and more focused on family comforts and home improvements.