As you all know by now, there was a very powerful Total Solar Eclipse last Thursday. It was an ‘energy sapping’ eclipse. It was about and continues to be about not resisting change. Everybody always talks about change and it sounds the same each time. This one, I suspect, is quite a bit different and comparing it to its last two iterations back in 1993 as well as 1984, this one is the pushiest of them all as Pluto is involved in the configuration.
Remember that in eclipse season (particularly the few days before as well as after) the ‘light’ comes back but now it has a very different hue and feel. When I say light, what I mean is insight, which, in this case, suggests a bigger clarity of what really must GO! Pluto is a giant cosmic let go button. It had been in earthy and sometimes fearful Capricorn since 2008 (when the global meltdown occurred). Now it has wandered, though briefly, into Aquarius, an air sign with far more objectivity and detachment. Since its entry on March 23, this last month has had a different vibe of what we consider powerful and necessary, because Aquarius is not attached to the material world but to the world of the individual mind as well as the global network mind. Pluto, the slowest of the planets, only moves a couple degrees a year, the time with Aquarius, this year, is very brief. It only stays there until June. Then we back track into the material world representing the power brokers since 2008, but this won’t last either.
Pluto is playing with us much like a cat plays with a mouse. It was in a square aspect to last week’s eclipse asking us are we going to fish or cut bait with the lifestyles we have worked so hard to maintain but which are really killing us to keep them up? Aquarius is more mental power, and the new currency will be ideas, sharing ideas, sharing information networks and waking the global community up to the rights of individuals and it won’t be easy but it is coming. For now, however, Pluto retrogrades back to Capricorn in June, giving us some time to figure out what really is at stake here and what is really important and what is dead and needs discarding. You can answer those questions yourself over the next few months and the only way to know what is the right decision is when you try on the ‘change’ you wish to begin, does it feel freeing? Does it feel ugly? Does it make you happy? Does it exhaust you? The body knows a lot more than the mind and the pre-ordained structures we have devised to keep us in survival mode. Pluto is back and forth between Aquarius (the mind) and Capricorn (the earth and body) for another two years, so you have time to slowly shed ‘the stuff’ that comedian George Carlin often joked about.
Pluto is about digging deep into something, moving the blockages, the vulnerabilities away like large boulders which, over time, reveal the true essence of what our soul needs. Yes, this is the possible rediscovery of soul because ‘the soul’ of people has been on hiatus in the crazy world of these last few years. Pluto doesn’t play games; it just is what it is. It shakes us up in the place it hit our charts this last week asking, “Is this behavior really necessary?” Do you really want to do things the same way – again and again – while you watch your vitality slowly slip through your fingers while the rest of the world moves on?
The Solar Eclipse at the last degree of Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars has two different themes. In the more youthful and physically active cycle of our lives, we go for it, we manifest, we take chances, we risk, we walk into spaces and places often without thinking. Sometimes we succeed and other times we fall on our faces. As we become more seasoned, we learn things like thinking before acting, planning, listening rather than talking, particularly about ourselves. Aries is about leading with great ideas and risky possibilities and good leaders listen to the groups they lead often creating successful outcomes.
When a leader fails to listen and acts without thought of the ramification of selfish actions, then failure is inevitable and the potential empowerment promised by the positive experience of Pluto is destroyed, crushed, or subdued. These next few weeks are about examining what it is that we really want to do and what we really need to let go, even though that ‘something’ we don’t want to let go has been very secure. Or at least created an illusion of security.
The current Mercury retrograde running with Uranus (ideas) is a great time to re-think how you can be who you are in the best sense of the word while changing daily habits and job requirements, to allow for more creative freedom. Extreme changes are not the way to change. Little baby steps while trying on different models of living are the path right now because everything is in flux until Pluto completely arrives to stay in Aquarius in late 2024. And a little change, each day, makes the journey very doable.
To register for Georgia’s Upcoming teaching Month with the Inner Circle where she will be discussing the effects of the April 20 and May 5 eclipses, go to her affiliate link: