As promised, I am attaching a little list of some of the things possible while Saturn is transiting through Pisces over the course of these next 2 1/2 years. What I do like about Saturn in Pisces (Water) is that it will be working very nicely with Uranus in Taurus (an earth sign) particularly in 2024 and 2025.
2023 is the set-up year to get your ducks in order in the houses through which Saturn is traveling. Mercury enters Taurus (earth) today, Monday, April 3 and Wednesday’s Full Moon in Libra with the Aries Sun is bringing things to a head. Decision time for large changes is coming at month’s end with the April 20 eclipse. That is why I am giving you the list this week…to ponder…things you’ve already been pondering.
I’ll be exploring the effects of the Total Solar Eclipse on April 20 and the Lunar Eclipse of May 5, 2023 in Astrology Hub’s Inner Circle program that I am teaching for the month of April 20 to May 20, 2023 as one of the Inner Circle teachers. Each of the 12 teachers works with students for a month offering 2 presentations about the lunations, Q&A day, and something they call a Master class. Mine is on Rulerships, a key thing to use when analyzing charts.
Saturn passing through tropical Pisces 2023 to early 2026:
Saturn in Pisces returns to this sign every 29.5 years. This is why at almost 30, almost 60, and almost 90 years of age, we experience a type of coming-of-age cycle. But Saturn is always moving somewhere in your natal chart…asking you to take responsibility for that area of your life and re-structure the things associated with those particular houses.
Because Saturn takes 2 ½ years to complete a cycle, it spends time in the same area of your chart – providing you an opportunity to restructure and reorganize your life in a more efficient manner. It helps you focus on using time correctly in any creative pursuits and helps you simplify all those ideas buzzing around in your head that never have enough time to settle. You become less idealistic during Saturn in Pisces periods, but if one continues their spiritual practices like meditating or going to church or temple, it helps seal the open, diffuse parts of the spirit that need to be bounded so that life becomes more functional rather than in a constant chaos of flux and change.

Saturn entered Pisces on March 7, 2023…stays through early 2026.
Where will that travel through your chart for 2 ½ years? If you know your Ascendant or Rising sign, you can read that section as well. If not, simply look at the Sun sign list – and know this is a limited interpretation but worth thinking about. It last occurred between 1993 and 1996.
The following is a rough estimate (depending on what house system you use) of where that will happen.
- Aries or Aries Rising: 12th house.
Saturn moving through your 12th house offers a time to find a quiet retreat, to incubate a new way of living and do serious therapy on issues not yet resolved or ignored. 12th house transits offer opportunities to conceive something new which requires a level of fundamental research for accomplishing that goal. You may be more tired than usual and realize that some of your former friends and colleagues are not there for the added support you need. Thusly, it is time to find new support systems in places where you are working on building you own new identity and new self-esteem. Do serious research and allow yourself privacy which restores your spirit. - Taurus or Taurus Rising: 11th house.
What are your goals really? How many community commitments have you made to the point where you are overbooked? If you were going to triage importance, what are the top three you wish to achieve during the next three years and who, in your community, has the wisdom and know-how to help you achieve your goals? Doing things alone and trying to accomplish things alone with this transit, just doesn’t work but you also need to ascertain the quality of the support you are receiving. Is it worth your time and are your goals also worth your time and do they align with your current values? - Gemini or Gemini Rising: 10th house.
Your professional life is peaking, lots of work as well as honors may come, if along the way you have been prudent about ethics and choices. If not, some trials may be experienced so that you can ascertain whether this is the place you really wish to be or if you need to make a meaningful change. Sometimes you are faced with authority figures who are tough and unrelenting. Sometimes you are gifted with authority figures who have wisdom and lead intelligently. Listening rather than talking is a skill that you may wish to develop during this period and that listening could lead to a more successful outcome for many things in your life. Issues of your own time and energy are often faced with this cycle as well. Is it time to change, step down from a position, or boldly shift to something more suited to your particular needs at this time? - Cancer or Cancer Rising: 9th house.
Do you want to work far away, publish something, finish a degree, or develop a consulting or publishing venues? Those opportunities are there if you are willing to put in the time to do them. Is there a vision you have whose time is now to form it in whatever way possible as you go through this cycle? You may appear to be more serious regarding how you view the world and politics and education during this time as well and that more serious view may push you to the forefront of making changes in your chosen profession and/or may be the impetus to talk with your partners in a more efficient and clear manner. You are more serious regarding your philosophy of life and realize that you may need more education to go to the next level. - Leo or Leo Rising: 8th house.
Saturn’s passage through the 8th house requires a realistic and pragmatic view at your joint finances with others as well as how you manage your own investments for the future. Saturn’s great gift as it passes through the 8th house is that it forces you to take a realistic view at what you can do for future growth and what you cannot do. It also provides help or assistance in helping you figure out a plan that seems untenable now. This is not a time to panic as it may feel as though resources are limited, but much like Saturn’s passage through the 2nd house, you may find yourself banking or saving more to achieve your future goal. It is also a great time to confront your own estate issues and plan for those you love. - Virgo or Virgo Rising: 7th house.
Long term committed partnerships arrive in your life and/or more responsibilities could arise with your long-term partners – both professional and personal. It is important to ‘be’ there as your partners go through a more serious phase of life. Offering foundational support is important here and you walk a tenuous line between being too harsh on partners while setting healthier boundaries so that you both have your ‘dance’ space. Sometimes people find that they are faced with a new type of responsibility for a child or two as Saturn rules the 5th house of children and is traveling through your 7th. This could also mean that you have some serious conversations with those same children setting boundaries while helping them solve their own problems with guidance from you. - Libra or Libra Rising: 6th house.
Isn’t it time to take a serious and prudent look at the systems, methods, networks, filtering systems, equipment you are using in your workplace? Are you in need of another employee or need to let go of some employees? Are you taking care of your health and diet issues for yourself or another as this transit can be stressful if those items are not addressed. How do you make your office space more efficient? The 6th house is a very important house in the chart and one that is often ignored but. Careful analysis and making things more efficient are key here as you move forward into your future. This is the time to get organized. This constant challenge during this time may seem thankless, but in the end, particularly about 7 years hence it pays off. Track 30 years ago, did you get organized then or not? That past may reflect on what you are asked to do now. - Scorpio or Scorpio Rising: 5th house.
It’s time to take a serious look at the risks you take. Taking a chance on love, children, speculative ventures, stock portfolio management, requires wisdom and Saturn through the 5th house suggests one should take some time on these areas of life before making life changing decisions. Setting boundaries with children often comes up during this time and the pushback often challenges whether you will give in to the pushback or not. Staying consistent is key here. If you are looking at some of the investment areas you’ve engaged in, this might be a time to re-evaluate a portfolio to see where you can cut corners and where you shouldn’t. Sometimes more mature partners will show up in your life, especially if you are an older individual, or you may find yourself taking an avocation and thinking about making it a serious vocation during this time. - Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising: 4th house.
Is your home needing a change? Is it too small or does it need a facelift? Family, sometimes mother or fathers, will often need you during this transit and people are often faced with more responsibilities regarding close family members who are aging or in need of more assistance. This may feel for Sagittarians that it is putting a kink in your ability to be free, but the lesson of Saturn is to take the responsibility and not run away from it. While do that, you may also open sometime (since you may be more confined right now) to think about a change in your career, which may have felt a little limiting up to now. It’s cleaning house. When you are physically engaged doing one thing, your unconscious mind has time to incubate another thing. When Saturn finishes here in 2 ½ years you may find yourself either turning an avocation into a vocation – or working in a completely different industry. - Capricorn or Capricorn Rising: 3rd house.
It’s time to improve your communication with others—to speak . Saturn through the 3rd house puts you on notice to be aware of how you talk to people and how you respond to them as well. Capricorns are great anchors for most people. They also are very busy people since they don’t like wasting time, but with Saturn traveling here for a couple of years, being very busy may cause you to communicate in terse and abrupt responses, when, in fact, it is important to see how the ‘other’ is receiving that communication. This is a great time to complete some sort of license or accreditation, since the 3rd house has to do with short writings as well as short travels, scripts, blogs, poetry, newsletters. New responsibilities or communications with siblings may begin here. If there has been a ‘break’ in communications, this is the time to mend fences, and cautiously speak your truth without pushing others away. Remember it takes two to tango. This is a great transit for learning to think before you speak and something you learn with cautious Saturn traveling here. - Aquarius or Aquarius Rising: 2nd house.
Sometimes when Saturn transits the 2nd house, you feel as though your cash flow is more limited and it well may be, but what often happens here is that you decide you want to invest for something in the future like a property and you start a savings or pension plan that requires more dollar input for your future. The important thing is to not let fear overtake you in your pursuit to find who you are and what you want to do. There are many hidden skills and abilities lying around in the 2nd house of a chart that were once available when you were younger and now may be the time to pull them out again, dust them off, and see if those natural abilities, embedded in your DNA, can be incorporated into a much more fulfilling life for you where you increase your self-worth because you acknowledge your abilities. Don’t de-value yourself when things seem slow or unattainable. Keep going, the time you spend in developing your sense of self-worth pays off in the end. Watch that you don’t de-value who you are or what your talents are. Keep positive about yourself, because if you value yourself, the world responds in the same way. - Pisces or Pisces Rising: 1st house.
Saturn through the first house often feels like your joints may are stiffer, your skin dryer since the 1st house is the house of the identity and the physical body. You may feel older and might even look older with Saturn here and/or your identity suddenly takes on the role of a wiser statesperson or knowledge holder. Either way, this is a challenging time requiring you to really look at how much time you spend on all areas of your life and how much time is being taken away from those things that you value and appreciate. I see a lot of people moving into new careers as Saturn leaves the 12th house and enters the 1st house. This often happens after a time where you spent a lot of time alone re-organizing the inner shelves of your i=mind and sorting through a lot of your past and hopefully confronting things with the help of qualified therapists or coaches. The key thing here for Pisces folks is to take ‘time’ to also relax. Don’t overbook. Set boundaries with people to whom you are too available because it is a more exhausting transit than usual. Watch that you balance some play in with work.
To register for Georgia’s Upcoming teaching Month with the Inner Circle where she will be discussing the effects of the April 20 and May 5 eclipses, go to her affiliate link: